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Marknadsföring har gradvis blivit ett brett koncept som avser flera områden. Det finns många olika sätt att arbeta med marknadsföring, oavsett om det är digitalt eller analogt via skyltar eller liknande. Därför har vi ett varierat urval med böcker av experter på området. Vi har böcker skrivna av tidigare jättar på marknaden med olika syn på marknaden idag och om hur du kan säkra en bra position. Förutom dessa typer har vi också läroböcker som är gjorda med det specifika målet att lära läsaren så mycket som möjligt inom ämnet. Om du är i färd med att lära dig och förstå marknadsföring har vi bra böcker specifikt för detta. Kolla in vårt urval och se om du hittar någon inspiration för ditt kommande projekt!
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  • av Ana Tkalac (University of Zagreb Vercic

    This book proposes a model of internal communication based on empirical research to demonstrate how contemporary organizations strategize, organize, perform and measure it.


    The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility: Corporate Activities, the Environment and Society adds to the current debate on the societal-level impacts of corporate social responsibility (CSR).


    This edited volume analyses leadership in the public relations (PR) industry with a specific focus on women and their leadership styles and preferences.


    This volume presents a collection of different views and perspectives, featuring both theoretical and empirical contributions, to provide deep insight into the role of innovation and of non-technological innovations (NTIs) in contemporary business.


    Public Relations is a uniquely pervasive force in our modern economy, influencing every aspect of our lives from the personal to the political. This comprehensive volume provides an expert overview of current scholarship, reflecting the impact of technology, society, and demographic shifts in a complex global environment.

  • av Hyunsun Yoon
    341 - 901

  • av Monique Cikaliuk

    Responsible Leadership in Corporate Governance: An Integrative Approach introduces an integrative model of responsible leadership in governance that positions the board as a nexus of all corporate participants.

  • av Bjorn W. Schafer

    Wie erreichen Start-ups ein schnelles und gleichzeitig effizientes Wachstum und dessen Beschleunigung? Nach Björn W. Schäfer schaffen sie dies nicht mit Marketing oder Vertrieb allein, sondern nur durch eine ganzheitliche Go-to-Market-Strategie und im Zusammenspiel der kaufmännischen Abteilungen Marketing, Vertrieb und Customer Success mit dem Produkt.Schäfers Buch setzt deshalb einen markanten Gegentrend zum "Zu viel - zu schnell" unserer Zeit - sowohl inhaltlich als auch in der Sprache. Das Flywheel ist nicht nur eine Metapher, sondern eine Haltung. Ein Mantra. Unternehmen, die dieses Konzept verstanden haben, gewinnen nicht nur an Schwung, sondern erreichen ein sich selbst beschleunigendes Momentum, das nahezu unaufhaltsam ist. Die Basis ist Fokus. Und Einzigartigkeit.Es handelt sich dabei nicht um ein theoretisches Handbuch, sondern um ein erfrischendes Toolset für die sofortige Umsetzung. Die LeserInnen erhalten einen Rahmen für den Aufbau eines Wachstumsmotors, beginnend mit einer präzisen Kundensegmentierung, die über bloße demografische Daten hinausgeht. Sie lernen die Geheimnisse der Umwandlung von Leads in greifbare Umsätze und die Aufrechterhaltung und Beschleunigung von Wachstum mit herausragenden Unit Economics. Die einprägsame Flywheel-Mentalität gewährleistet einen langfristigen, sich selbst tragenden und skalierbaren Erfolg.

  • av Gary Warnaby

    The book analyses how the past - material (the historic built environment) and intangible (routines, practices and the 'character' of the populace) - is appropriated, in order to 'sell' the city into the future. It acknowledges the inherent selectivity involved and discusses the factors influencing what is remembered and what's forgotten.


    Fully revised and updated, the new edition brings together an expertly curated and authoritative overview of the impact and emerging horizons of digital consumption.


    This volume explores the dynamic nature of emerging markets, which constitute a major share of global GDP, with a focus on the opportunities for growth and the challenges for businesses in meeting the needs of a diverse set of consumers.


    The Routledge Companion to Marketing and Society focuses on marketing for social impact as the use of marketing strategies, tools and techniques to improve the well-being of society.


    This book studies the use of digital marketing across the economic, social, and political sectors of India. It looks at diverse areas of business and non-business activities involving the use of digital platforms to augment marketing initiatives and improve reach, sales, and social media engagement.


    Alcantara, Shinohara and their contributors evaluate the current state of diversity and inclusion (D&I) within business and higher education in Japan, and the importance of D&I to the growth of Japan's economy and the enrichment of its society.


    This book offers new, critical perspectives on the impact of "life-enhancing" technological advancements on consumer identity positions and market evolutions. It will allow readers to understand how accelerated technological market changes are being experienced and creatively countered at the societal and individual level.

  • av Pawel (University of Lodz Bryla

    Country of origin and consumer ethnocentrism are evolving constructs as consumers' perception towards country, state or region changes over time.This book explores the phenomena of consumer ethnocentrism and country-of-origin effect on the food market using examples from Polish retailers.


    Artificial intelligence (AI) has driven businesses to adopt new business practices rapidly, enhance product development and services, has helped to power AI-based market intelligence and customer insights, and improve customer relationship management. This timely book addresses the use of AI in marketing.

  • av Katarzyna Mokrzycka-Kogut

    This book explores the impact of cultural conditions on the financial reporting quality of public companies preparing financial statements according to International Accounting Standards (IAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). It discusses the main trends in the theory of capital and earnings in the economy.

  • av David (University of Bristol Dugdale

    The book analyses segmentation, value to customer, price-value maps, segmental pricing, product differentiation and dynamic pricing, with traditional economic theory, showing how these ideas have implications for management accountants and the value that they can bring to the business.

  • av Lisa A. Martinelli
    627 - 2 121


    Sustainability Accounting, Management Control and Reporting: A European Perspective traces a picture of innovative performance measurement tools and approaches to drive organizations to implement their shared value and sustainability strategy, considering different perspectives around accounting, managerial control and reporting.

  • av Alessia (Pine Bridge Investments Falsarone
    707 - 1 491


    This handbook is a resource for students, faculty, and researchers who are focused on understanding the role communication plays in the formation and execution of corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities.


    This edited volume makes a unique and timely contribution by exploring in depth the topic of strategic communication and COVID-19 from a global perspective. Therefore, this book addresses such a need and is thoroughly grounded in rich empirical evidence gained through a global study of COVID-19 communication experiences and strategies.

  • av Wioleta Kucharska
    627 - 1 861


    This edited book presents a comprehensive, research-led coverage of the progressive ways public relations (PR) and social media is utilised today.


    This handbook brings together multidisciplinary and internationally diverse contributors to provide an overview of theory, research, and practice in the nonprofit and nongovernmental organization (NGO) communication field.


    This book analyses how the users of these social networks, especially those of YouTube and Instagram, become content prescribers, opinion leaders and, by extension, people of influence.


    Affect in Organization and Management asks how affect theory understands everyday working lives through embodied, social and political practice. Discussing a range of dimensions and perspectives on affect, the book considers how subjects are formed through their connections with others, both human and non- or more-than-human.

  • av Sibylle Heilbrunn

    Dark Sides of the Startup Nation sheds light onto the problematic and sometimes contradictory myth that entrepreneurship is meritocratic and that neoliberal capitalism provides everyone with equal opportunities to succeed.

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