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  • - Bilingual Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK #43
    av David Yao

    射日彩虹Shooting the Sun Rainbow - 台湾儿童故事精选 Selected Taiwanese Children's Stories - Bilingual Chinese and Foreign Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK Intermediate to Advanced Learners 中外文化阅读丛书 #43 前言Preface: 在讲述故事的世界里,孩子们是最受珍视的观众。他们充满好奇心的头脑、无限的想象力和对冒险的渴望使他们成为了完美的故事接受者,这些故事会把他们带到神奇的领域,并点燃他们的创造力。《台湾儿童故事精选》是一部专为台湾年轻读者打造的收藏品,为他们提供了一个根植于台湾丰富文化的迷人叙事宝库。在这些页中,读者将踏上难忘的旅程,遇见奇特的角色,探索丰富多彩的景观,并学到有关生活、友谊和周围世界的宝贵教训。 In the world of storytelling, children are the most cherished audience. Their curious minds, boundless imagination, and thirst for adventure make them the perfect recipients of tales that transport them to magical realms and ignite their creativity. "Selected Taiwanese Children's Stories" is a collection crafted with the young readers of Taiwan in mind, offering them a treasure trove of enchanting narratives rooted in the rich cultural tapestry of Taiwan. Within these pages, readers will embark on unforgettable journeys, encountering whimsical characters, exploring vibrant landscapes, and learning valuable lessons about life, friendship, and the world around them. 作为本选集的编辑,我们的目标是保存和庆祝台湾讲故事的独特传统,同时为年轻读者提供引人入胜的故事,与他们的心灵产生共鸣。我们精心挑选了一系列反映台湾文学多面性的故事,涵盖了传统民间故事、现代寓言以及反映台湾社会不断发展的当代叙事。 As editors of this anthology, our goal is to preserve and celebrate the unique heritage of Taiwanese storytelling while also providing young readers with captivating tales that resonate with their hearts and minds. We have carefully curated a diverse selection of stories that reflect the multifaceted nature of Taiwanese literature, drawing from traditional folklore, modern fables, and contemporary narratives that reflect the ever-evolving landscape of Taiwanese society. 本选集中的每一个故事都是讲述故事的持久力量,启发、教育和娱乐的明证。从永恒的经典到等待被发现的隐藏宝藏,这些故事都是出于对能够吸引年轻想象力并培养终身阅读爱好的能力而精心选择的。 Each story in this collection is a testament to the enduring power of storytelling to inspire, educate, and entertain. From timeless classics to hidden gems waiting to be discovered, these tales have been lovingly chosen for their ability to captivate young imaginations and foster a lifelong love of reading. 我们衷心感谢那些才华横溢的作者和插画家,他们的创造力将这些故事带到了生活中,也感谢那些与我们一同踏上这个文学之旅的读者。愿《台湾儿童故事精选》的页码成为通往无尽冒险的门户,在所有翻阅它们的人的心中激发出快乐、好奇和惊奇。 We extend our gratitude to the talented authors and illustrators whose creativity brings these stories to life, as well as to the readers who embark on this literary journey with us. May the pages of "Selected Taiwanese Children's Stories" serve as a gateway to endless adventures, sparking joy, curiosity, and wonder in the hearts of all who turn them.

  • - Bilingual Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK #41
    av David Yao

    Rakshasa Market Story 41 罗刹海市 - 中国奇闻轶事小说 Chinese Strange Tales and Anecdotes Fiction - Bilingual Chinese and Foreign Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK Intermediate to Advanced Learners 中外文化阅读丛书 #41 Background of "The Raksasa Market"《罗刹海市》 创作背景明代新兴市民文学是中国文学史上全新审美意识的开始,《聊斋志异》继承了冯梦龙对于市民伦理的认同观念,描绘了现实之境与理想世界、男与女、善与恶、债与偿、强与弱、神圣与亵渎,充满了对立。虽然现实与幻境都伴随着各种残缺,但《聊斋志异》绝不是幻灭的悲歌,其中的许多篇章都充满了理想的光辉,是听众得以管窥那个不属于他们的时代的故事 。The emerging urban literature of the Ming Dynasty marked the beginning of a completely new aesthetic consciousness in Chinese literary history. "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio" inherited Feng Menglong's affirmation of urban ethics and depicted the juxtaposition of reality and the ideal world, men and women, good and evil, debt and repayment, strength and weakness, sacredness and profanity, full of contradictions. Although both reality and illusion are accompanied by various deficiencies, "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio" is by no means a lamentation of disillusionment. Many chapters are filled with the brilliance of ideals, allowing the audience to glimpse into stories of an era that does not belong to them. 《罗刹海市》歌词的原型来自《聊斋志异》的讽刺名篇《罗刹海市》。该小说讲述一位名叫马骥的中国商人到两万六千里之外罗刹国经商,发现当地人美丑颠倒,马骥因为长相俊美而遭到排斥;他把脸涂黑后,反而赢得众人喜爱,甚至因"貌美"而被国王封官。刀郎从自身的音乐生活出发,结合自己在娱乐圈的生存体验,将其与文学故事场景相映射,并采用靠山调制作出了该曲 。The lyrics of "The Raksasa Market" are inspired by the satirical masterpiece "The Raksasa Market" from "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio". The story tells of a Chinese merchant named Maji who traveled to the distant land of Raksasa Country, where he found the locals had reversed standards of beauty and ugliness. Maji, being rejected for his handsome appearance, was eventually embraced by the people after he blackened his face. He even received an official title from the king because of his "beautiful" appearance. Starting from his own musical life experiences and combining them with his survival experiences in the entertainment industry, Dao Lang mapped them onto the literary story scenes and used folk tunes to create the song.

  • - Bilingual Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK #39
    av David Yao

    奇怪的竹笛 Strange Bamboo Flute - 童话故事11篇 Eleven Fairy Tales - Bilingual Chinese and Foreign Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK Intermediate to Advanced Learners 中外文化阅读丛书 #39 前言 Preface: 在文学世界中,童话故事占据着特殊的位置,以它们迷人的叙述和永恒的信息吸引着各个年龄段的读者。《童话故事8篇》汇集了这些神奇故事的精华,每一个都充满了奇迹、冒险和宝贵的教训。 In the world of literature, fairy tales hold a special place, captivating readers of all ages with their enchanting narratives and timeless messages. "Eight Fairy Tales" brings together a collection of these magical stories, each filled with wonder, adventure, and valuable lessons. 长久以来,童话故事一直是智慧的容器,代代相传,传递道德教义,激发想象力。在这些故事中,读者将踏上通往幻想世界的旅程,在那里他们将遇到勇敢的英雄、狡猾的恶棍和神奇的生物。从古老的森林到遥远的王国,每个故事都提供了一个窥视一切皆有可能的世界的机会。 Fairy tales have long served as vessels of wisdom, passed down through generations to impart moral teachings and ignite the imagination. Within these pages, readers will embark on journeys to fantastical realms, where they will encounter brave heroes, cunning villains, and magical creatures. From ancient forests to distant kingdoms, each story offers a glimpse into a world where anything is possible. 通过像王子和公主、会说话的动物和谦卑的农民等角色的经历,读者将发现关于爱、勇气、友谊以及善恶永恒斗争的普世真理。这些故事超越了文化界限,与全球观众产生共鸣,并经受住了时间的考验。 Through the trials and triumphs of characters like princes and princesses, talking animals, and humble peasants, readers will discover universal truths about love, courage, friendship, and the enduring battle between good and evil. These tales transcend cultural boundaries, resonating with audiences around the globe and standing the test of time. 当你深入阅读《童话故事8篇》时,请让自己被带到魔幻和奇妙的世界中去。愿这些故事启发你,激发你的想象力,并提醒你叙述的持久力量。无论是第一次阅读还是重温珍爱的经典,愿你在这些页面中找到快乐、智慧和魔力。 As you delve into "Eight Fairy Tales," allow yourself to be transported to realms of enchantment and wonder. May these stories inspire you, spark your imagination, and remind you of the enduring power of storytelling. Whether you're reading them for the first time or revisiting cherished classics, may you find joy, wisdom, and magic within these pages. 祝愉快阅读!Happy reading!

  • - Bilingual Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK #38
    av David Yao

    狮子和老鼠 The Lion and the Mouse - 寓言故事14篇A Collection of 14 Fables - Bilingual Chinese and Foreign Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK Intermediate to Advanced Learners 中外文化阅读丛书 #38 寓言故事 Fables 在人类文学的丰富画卷中,寓言故事犹如一幅独特而引人深思的画卷,以简明的语言和生动的寓意展现着深刻的道理。这些小小的寓言故事,蕴含着丰富的智慧和道德,通过动物、自然和人物的寓言形象,为我们呈现出一个个生动的寓言世界。 In the rich tapestry of human literature, fables stand out as a unique and thought-provoking masterpiece. Using concise language and vivid allegories, these small fables present profound truths. Woven from the threads of animals, nature, and characters, they unveil vivid worlds of allegory. 《寓言故事》汇集了一系列精选的故事,从中我们可以窥见作者的睿智和对人性、生活、价值观的思考。这些故事或许以简单的情节展开,却蕴含着深刻的哲理,引导着读者思考人生的方方面面。 The "Fables Stories" collection brings together a series of carefully selected stories. From these tales, we catch glimpses of the author's wisdom and contemplation on human nature, life, and values. While these stories may unfold with simple plots, they contain profound philosophies, guiding readers to contemplate various aspects of life. 随着我们踏入这个充满启示的故事世界,或许我们会在喜剧和悲剧的交织中找到共鸣,或许我们会在荒诞和现实的碰撞中得到启示。这里的每一个寓言都是一堂生动的启智课,为我们提供了一面独特的镜子,让我们更好地审视自己和周围的世界。 As we step into this world of enlightening stories, we might resonate with the interplay of comedy and tragedy or find revelations in the collision of absurdity and reality. Each fable here is a lively lesson in wisdom, providing us with a unique mirror to better examine ourselves and the world around us. 愿读者在这个故事的海洋里畅游,捕捉到知识的珍珠,收获到人生的感悟。《寓言故事》期待成为你心灵的伙伴,启迪你的智慧,陪伴你度过美妙的阅读时光。 May readers navigate the ocean of these stories, capturing the pearls of knowledge and harvesting insights into life. "Fables Stories" aspires to be a companion to your soul, enlightening your wisdom, and accompanying you through wonderful reading moments.

  • - Bilingual Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK #37
    av David Yao

    小驼背马 The Little Humpbacked Horse -俄罗斯童话故事 A Russian Fairy Tale - Bilingual Chinese and Foreign Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK Intermediate to Advanced Learners 中外文化阅读丛书 #37 《小驼背马》根据俄罗斯诗人彼得-耶肖夫(Pyotr Yershov,1815年3月6日-1869年8月30日)著名的同名童话故事改编。"The Little Humpbacked Horse" is an adaptation of the famous fairy tale by Russian poet Pyotr Yershov (March 6, 1815 - August 30, 1869). 外文名称:The Little Humpbacked Horse;Конёк-Горбунок 在同一年,他出版了故事的单行本,但是检查员认为在故事出现了愚蠢沙皇,要求他修订,所以禁止出版超过20年。直到1856年,在许多章节进行删除才得以全文出版,作品一经出版立刻获得读者的认可。 In the same year, he published a single-volume edition of the story, but the censor found the foolish Tsar in the story and demanded revisions, so it was banned from publication for over 20 years. It was not until 1856 that the full text was published after many chapters were deleted, and the work was immediately recognized by readers. 这个故事,就是讽刺当时的俄罗斯封建官僚荒谬的生活。在今天来看它被认为是经典儿童童话。然而,芭蕾舞剧编舞实质上偏离了原作故事。展示了傻子伊万,如何在具有神奇马的帮助下,战胜邪恶的沙皇并赢得沙皇少女的亲睐。最终,伊万替代无能和为能胜任的沙皇,成为沙皇本人。This story satirizes the absurd life of the feudal bureaucratic system in Russia at the time. Today, it is considered a classic children's fairy tale. However, the ballet adaptation deviates substantially from the original story. It showcases how the fool Ivan, with the help of his magical horse, defeats the evil Tsar and wins the favor of the Tsar's daughter. In the end, Ivan replaces the incompetent and unfit Tsar and becomes the Tsar himself. 《小驼背马》是俄国著名的一篇童话。内容描述一匹又驼又跛的小马,帮助本书的主人翁伊凡,完成了许多艰巨的事情。伊凡生性正直、纯朴,跟他那两个自私、懦弱的哥哥,和那贪婪、专制的国王,形成了强烈的对照,难怪他受到海上公主的钟爱,和广大百姓的拥戴! "The Little Humpbacked Horse" is a famous Russian fairy tale. It tells the story of a small humpbacked horse that helps the protagonist Ivan accomplish many difficult tasks. Ivan is honest and simple, contrasting strongly with his two selfish and cowardly brothers and the greedy, dictatorial king. It's no wonder he earns the love of the Sea Princess and the support of the common people! 由于本书故事情节曲折有趣,人物性格的描写细致,所以欧、美、日本各国都有译本,很受小读者欢迎。现在我们把它改写成中文,相信小朋友们也一定会被这美妙的故事,深深地吸引住的。Due to the intricate and interesting plot of the story and the detailed depiction of character personalities, translations of the book are popular in Europe, America, and Japan, and it is beloved by young readers. Now, we have rewritten it into Chinese, believing that children will also be deeply attracted by this wonderful story.

  • - Bilingual Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK #36
    av David Yao

    The Talking Parrot 能言的鹦鹉 - A Collection of 12 Fables 寓言故事12篇 - Bilingual Chinese and Foreign Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK Intermediate to Advanced Learners 中外文化阅读丛书 #36 在人类文学的丰富画卷中,寓言故事犹如一幅独特而引人深思的画卷,以简明的语言和生动的寓意展现着深刻的道理。这些小小的寓言故事,蕴含着丰富的智慧和道德,通过动物、自然和人物的寓言形象,为我们呈现出一个个生动的寓言世界。 In the rich tapestry of human literature, fables stand out as a unique and thought-provoking masterpiece. Using concise language and vivid allegories, these small fables present profound truths. Woven from the threads of animals, nature, and characters, they unveil vivid worlds of allegory. 《寓言故事》汇集了一系列精选的故事,从中我们可以窥见作者的睿智和对人性、生活、价值观的思考。这些故事或许以简单的情节展开,却蕴含着深刻的哲理,引导着读者思考人生的方方面面。 The "Fables Stories" collection brings together a series of carefully selected stories. From these tales, we catch glimpses of the author's wisdom and contemplation on human nature, life, and values. While these stories may unfold with simple plots, they contain profound philosophies, guiding readers to contemplate various aspects of life. 随着我们踏入这个充满启示的故事世界,或许我们会在喜剧和悲剧的交织中找到共鸣,或许我们会在荒诞和现实的碰撞中得到启示。这里的每一个寓言都是一堂生动的启智课,为我们提供了一面独特的镜子,让我们更好地审视自己和周围的世界。 As we step into this world of enlightening stories, we might resonate with the interplay of comedy and tragedy or find revelations in the collision of absurdity and reality. Each fable here is a lively lesson in wisdom, providing us with a unique mirror to better examine ourselves and the world around us. 愿读者在这个故事的海洋里畅游,捕捉到知识的珍珠,收获到人生的感悟。《寓言故事》期待成为你心灵的伙伴,启迪你的智慧,陪伴你度过美妙的阅读时光。 May readers navigate the ocean of these stories, capturing the pearls of knowledge and harvesting insights into life. "Fables Stories" aspires to be a companion to your soul, enlightening your wisdom, and accompanying you through wonderful reading moments.

  • - Bilingual Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK #35
    av David Yao

    王子的草垫 The Prince's Cushion -中外童话故事9篇 - Nine Fairy Tales from China and Worldwide - Bilingual Chinese and Foreign Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK Intermediate to Advanced Learners 中外文化阅读丛书 #35 在文学世界中,童话故事占据着特殊的位置,以它们迷人的叙述和永恒的信息吸引着各个年龄段的读者。《童话故事8篇》汇集了这些神奇故事的精华,每一个都充满了奇迹、冒险和宝贵的教训。 In the world of literature, fairy tales hold a special place, captivating readers of all ages with their enchanting narratives and timeless messages. "Eight Fairy Tales" brings together a collection of these magical stories, each filled with wonder, adventure, and valuable lessons. 长久以来,童话故事一直是智慧的容器,代代相传,传递道德教义,激发想象力。在这些故事中,读者将踏上通往幻想世界的旅程,在那里他们将遇到勇敢的英雄、狡猾的恶棍和神奇的生物。从古老的森林到遥远的王国,每个故事都提供了一个窥视一切皆有可能的世界的机会。 Fairy tales have long served as vessels of wisdom, passed down through generations to impart moral teachings and ignite the imagination. Within these pages, readers will embark on journeys to fantastical realms, where they will encounter brave heroes, cunning villains, and magical creatures. From ancient forests to distant kingdoms, each story offers a glimpse into a world where anything is possible. 通过像王子和公主、会说话的动物和谦卑的农民等角色的经历,读者将发现关于爱、勇气、友谊以及善恶永恒斗争的普世真理。这些故事超越了文化界限,与全球观众产生共鸣,并经受住了时间的考验。 Through the trials and triumphs of characters like princes and princesses, talking animals, and humble peasants, readers will discover universal truths about love, courage, friendship, and the enduring battle between good and evil. These tales transcend cultural boundaries, resonating with audiences around the globe and standing the test of time. 当你深入阅读《童话故事8篇》时,请让自己被带到魔幻和奇妙的世界中去。愿这些故事启发你,激发你的想象力,并提醒你叙述的持久力量。无论是第一次阅读还是重温珍爱的经典,愿你在这些页面中找到快乐、智慧和魔力。 As you delve into "Eight Fairy Tales," allow yourself to be transported to realms of enchantment and wonder. May these stories inspire you, spark your imagination, and remind you of the enduring power of storytelling. Whether you're reading them for the first time or revisiting cherished classics, may you find joy, wisdom, and magic within these pages. 祝愉快阅读!Happy reading!

  • - Bilingual Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK #34
    av David Yao

    Double Spear Lu Wenlong 双枪陆文龙 - Stories of Ancient Chinese Figures 中国古代人物故事 - Bilingual Chinese and Foreign Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK Intermediate to Advanced Learners 中外文化阅读丛书 #34 在八百多年以前,中国宋朝的时候,边疆的民族常常侵犯中原,宋朝的武将南征北讨,出现了许多民族英雄,也造成许多可泣可歌的故事。More than 800 years ago, during the Song Dynasty in China, the frontier ethnic groups often invaded the Central Plains. Song Dynasty generals fought in the north and south, producing many ethnic heroes and many stories that are worthy of tears and songs. 《双枪陆文龙》这个故事就发生在宋朝时代,陆文龙从小被敌人虏去,抚养成人,练成一身好武艺。在战场上,他使起一对双枪,真是英勇非常。The story of "Double Spear Lu Wenlong" took place during the Song Dynasty. Lu Wenlong was captured by the enemy when he was young and raised by them, becoming skilled in martial arts. On the battlefield, he wielded a pair of double spears, showing exceptional bravery. 但是令人叹惜的是,他不知道自己的亲生父母是谁,不仅如此,他还帮助敌人打自己人哩!However, it is regrettable that he did not know who his biological parents were, and furthermore, he helped the enemy fight against his own people! 最后他明白了真相没有?明白了以后又怎么办?这中间的经过是很曲折有趣的,还是请读者自已去阅读吧! In the end, did he understand the truth? What did he do after understanding? The process in between is very intriguing and convoluted, so readers should read it for themselves!

  • - Bilingual Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK #33
    av David Yao

    The Dream of Nanke 南柯一梦 - A Journey to the Ant Kingdom 蚁国梦游记 - Bilingual Chinese and Foreign Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK Intermediate to Advanced Learners 中外文化阅读丛书 #33 这本《蚁国梦游记》,是根据唐代李公佐的一篇小说--《南柯太守传》改写的。This book, "A Journey to the Ant Kingdom," is adapted from a short story by Li Gongzuo of the Tang Dynasty called "The Governor of Nanke." 本书叙述一个军官,因为喝醉酒,做了个奇怪的梦,梦里经历了很大的波折,从富贵荣华到失势解职。最后酒醒过来,发现槐树下的蚁洞里,一切景物恰和梦中所见的非常相像。这个故事离奇曲折,在中国文学史上很有名,后来有人还把它编成戏曲,而"南柯一梦"这成语,就是从这故事引来的。The book narrates the story of a military officer who, after getting drunk, has a strange dream. In this dream, he experiences great ups and downs, from wealth and glory to downfall and dismissal. Upon waking up from his drunken stupor, he finds that everything he saw in his dream remarkably resembles the scene inside an anthill under a locust tree. This story, with its bizarre twists and turns, is well-known in the history of Chinese literature. It was later adapted into a play, and the idiom "Nanke's Dream" originated from this story.

  • - Bilingual Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK #32
    av David Yao

    马克万里寻母 Mark's Journey of a Thousand Miles to Find His Mother -从亚平宁山脉到安地斯山脉 From the Apennines to the Andes - Bilingual Chinese and Foreign Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK Intermediate to Advanced Learners 中外文化阅读丛书 #32 在浩瀚的文学天地中,有一些故事超越了国界和文化,编织着它们的方式进入了全球读者的心中。《从亚平宁山脉到安地斯山脉》是其中之一,它是根据意大利作家爱德蒙多-德-亚米契斯的作品《爱的教育》中五月日记改编而成的。这个感人至深的故事深深地吸引了世代观众,其关于爱、毅力和寻找身份的主题深深地引起各年龄段读者的深刻共鸣。In the vast expanse of literary landscapes, there are certain tales that transcend borders and cultures, weaving their way into the hearts of readers worldwide. "From the Apennines to the Andes" is one such narrative, adapted from the May diary entry of the Italian writer Edmondo De Amicis' work "Cuore" ("Heart"). This deeply touching story has deeply attracted audiences across generations, its themes of love, perseverance, and the quest for identity deeply resonating with readers of all ages. 现在,在这个名为《马克万里寻母-从亚平宁山脉到安地斯山脉》的双语版本中,读者们被邀请与主人公一同展开一场变革之旅,他穿越了从亚平宁山脉到安地斯山脉的崎岖地形。通过生动的形象和情感丰富的散文,故事展开,邀请读者思考家庭关系的复杂性、人类精神的韧性以及希望的持久力。Now, in this bilingual edition titled "Mark's Journey of a Thousand Miles to Find His Mother," readers are invited to embark on a transformative voyage alongside the protagonist as he traverses the rugged terrain from the Apennine Mountains to the Andes. Through vivid imagery and emotive prose, the story unfolds, inviting readers to ponder the complexities of familial bonds, the resilience of the human spirit, and the enduring power of hope. 这个故事最初被日本动画公司改编为动画系列,标题为《三千里寻母记》, 现在,它作为双语中外文化阅读系列的一部分,成为IB、IGCSE和AP中文、HSK中高级学习者的一部分。它被收录在这个备受推崇的系列中,强调了它作为一种文学宝藏的重要性,不仅因为其文化丰富性,也因为其超越语言和地理界限的普遍主题。Originally adapted into an animated series by a Japanese animation company under the title "Three Thousand Miles in Search of Mother," this tale has now been curated as part of the Bilingual Chinese and Foreign Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK Intermediate to Advanced Learners. Its inclusion in this esteemed collection underscores its significance as a literary gem cherished not only for its cultural richness but also for its universal themes that transcend linguistic and geographical boundaries. 当读者们深入《马克万里寻母-从亚平宁山脉到安地斯山脉》的页页之中时,他们被邀请踏上一场发现、共情和深刻反思的旅程。愿这个版本成为一个桥梁,连接着不同的文化,并促进对中外文学叙事之美和深度的更深层次的欣赏。As readers delve into the pages of "Mark's Journey of a Thousand Miles to Find His Mother," they are invited to embark on a journey of discovery, empathy, and profound reflection. May this edition serve as a bridge connecting diverse cultures and fostering a deeper appreciation for the beauty and depth of storytelling in both Chinese and foreign literature.

  • - Bilingual Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK #31
    av David Yao

    " Mulan Joining the Army in Place of Father 木兰代父从军- A Story from Ancient China. 中国古代故事 - Bilingual Chinese and Foreign Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK Intermediate to Advanced Learners 中外文化阅读丛书 #31 "唧唧复唧唧,木兰当户织......"这首《木兰诗》,一千多年以来,一直流传在中国民间,不但大人们都会念它,就是几岁的小孩子,也能朗朗上口。由于这首诗传遍各地,跟着巾帼英雄花木兰的故事,也就传播开来。直到今天,人们提起花木兰,就像提起其他民族英雄文天祥、岳飞那样熟悉。"Jiji fujiji, Mulan danghu zhi..." This poem "Mulan Poem" has been circulating in Chinese folklore for over a thousand years. Not only adults can recite it, but even young children of a few years old can also recite it fluently. Because of the widespread dissemination of this poem, the story of the heroine Hua Mulan has also spread. Even today, when people mention Hua Mulan, they are as familiar as when they mention other national heroes like Wen Tianxiang and Yue Fei. 木兰是个女孩子,但她却像男孩子一样,学会骑马射箭,也学会耕田种地,别人认为女孩子不能做的事,她却样样都精,甚至比许多男子还强。Mulan is a girl, but she is like a boy, learning to ride horses and shoot arrows, as well as farming and planting. She excels in everything that others think girls cannot do, and even surpasses many men. 这在古时中国的社会中,实在是一件惊世骇俗的事。后来因为爸爸年纪老了,她竟毅然穿上战袍,扮成男装,代父从军,在寒冷的过北孤军作战,刻苦耐劳,生活了十多年,这种尽忠尽孝的举动,是多么值得我们钦佩啊! This was truly astonishing in the ancient Chinese society. Later, because her father was old, she resolutely put on armor, dressed as a man, and joined the army to replace her father. She fought in the harsh conditions of the Northern border for over ten years, enduring hardships. Such loyalty and filial piety are truly admirable!

  • - Bilingual Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK #30
    av David Yao

    鲁智深大闹五台山 Lu Zhishen Wreaks Havoc at Mount Wutai- "The Water Margin" Excerpt 中国名著《水浒传》节选- Selected Excerpt from a Chinese Classic - Bilingual Chinese and Foreign Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK Intermediate to Advanced Learners 中外文化阅读丛书 #30 《水浒传》是中国一部脍炙人口的文学名著,如果你没有看过《水浒传》,你也一定会听过武松、林冲、鲁智深这些人物的故事。《花和尚大闹五台山》就是根据《水浒传》里的一段情节改写而成的。"The Water Margin" is a well-known literary classic in China. Even if you haven't read "The Water Margin," you must have heard of the stories of characters like Wu Song, Lin Chong, and Lu Zhishen. "Lu Zhishen Wreaks Havoc at Mount Wutai" is based on a segment of "The Water Margin." 花和尚鲁智深是个性格豪爽而又鲁莽的人,他爱憎分明,看见不平的事,就会挺身而出,锄强扶弱,这种见义勇为的精神,实在值得我们钦佩。Friar Lu Zhishen, also known as "Flower Monk," is a straightforward and impulsive person. He has a strong sense of justice and always stands up against injustice, helping the weak. This spirit of righteousness and bravery is truly admirable. 但是鲁智深也有许多坏习惯,譬如他不讲卫生,不守纪律,喜欢饮酒闲事等,因此他常常闹出许多笑话。However, Lu Zhishen also has many bad habits. For example, he doesn't care much about hygiene, lacks discipline, enjoys drinking, and meddling in unnecessary matters, often leading to humorous situations. 《花和尚大闹五台山》这本书,过程曲折,内容精采,笑料丰富,是小朋友们的一本良好课外读物。 This book, "Lu Zhishen Wreaks Havoc at Mount Wutai," is full of twists and turns, with exciting content and plenty of humor, making it a great extracurricular read for children.

  • - Bilingual Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK #28
    av David Yao

    Golden Carp 金鲤鱼 - Eight Fairy Tales - 童话故事8篇 - Bilingual Chinese and Foreign Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK Intermediate to Advanced Learners 中外文化阅读丛书 #28 在文学世界中,童话故事占据着特殊的位置,以它们迷人的叙述和永恒的信息吸引着各个年龄段的读者。《童话故事8篇》汇集了这些神奇故事的精华,每一个都充满了奇迹、冒险和宝贵的教训。 In the world of literature, fairy tales hold a special place, captivating readers of all ages with their enchanting narratives and timeless messages. "Eight Fairy Tales" brings together a collection of these magical stories, each filled with wonder, adventure, and valuable lessons. 长久以来,童话故事一直是智慧的容器,代代相传,传递道德教义,激发想象力。在这些故事中,读者将踏上通往幻想世界的旅程,在那里他们将遇到勇敢的英雄、狡猾的恶棍和神奇的生物。从古老的森林到遥远的王国,每个故事都提供了一个窥视一切皆有可能的世界的机会。 Fairy tales have long served as vessels of wisdom, passed down through generations to impart moral teachings and ignite the imagination. Within these pages, readers will embark on journeys to fantastical realms, where they will encounter brave heroes, cunning villains, and magical creatures. From ancient forests to distant kingdoms, each story offers a glimpse into a world where anything is possible. 通过像王子和公主、会说话的动物和谦卑的农民等角色的经历,读者将发现关于爱、勇气、友谊以及善恶永恒斗争的普世真理。这些故事超越了文化界限,与全球观众产生共鸣,并经受住了时间的考验。 Through the trials and triumphs of characters like princes and princesses, talking animals, and humble peasants, readers will discover universal truths about love, courage, friendship, and the enduring battle between good and evil. These tales transcend cultural boundaries, resonating with audiences around the globe and standing the test of time. 当你深入阅读《童话故事8篇》时,请让自己被带到魔幻和奇妙的世界中去。愿这些故事启发你,激发你的想象力,并提醒你叙述的持久力量。无论是第一次阅读还是重温珍爱的经典,愿你在这些页面中找到快乐、智慧和魔力。 As you delve into "Eight Fairy Tales," allow yourself to be transported to realms of enchantment and wonder. May these stories inspire you, spark your imagination, and remind you of the enduring power of storytelling. Whether you're reading them for the first time or revisiting cherished classics, may you find joy, wisdom, and magic within these pages. 祝愉快阅读!Happy reading!

  • - Bilingual Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK #27
    av David Yao

    魔鬼和鞋匠The Devil and the Shoemaker -12 Folk Stories 民间故事12篇 - Bilingual Chinese and Foreign Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK Intermediate to Advanced Learners 中外文化阅读丛书 #27 民间故事几个世纪以来一直是人类文化的重要组成部分,通过口头传统代代相传。这些故事承载着我们共同经历的精髓,揭示了世界各地不同文化的信仰、价值观和传统。在这个民间故事集中,我们踏上了一段穿越人类想象力丰富多彩的旅程,探索英雄主义、爱情、冒险和智慧的故事。 Folk stories have been an integral part of human culture for centuries, passed down from generation to generation through oral tradition. These stories encapsulate the essence of our collective experiences, offering insights into the beliefs, values, and traditions of diverse cultures around the world. In this collection of folk stories, we embark on a journey through the rich tapestry of human imagination, exploring tales of heroism, love, adventure, and wisdom. 这个故事集中的每个故事都是一个通向独特世界的窗户,在这个世界里,神秘的生物在古老的景观中漫游,普通人通过勇气和机智战胜逆境,永恒的道德教训在文化和世代之间回响。从欧洲的魔法森林到亚洲的神秘领域,从非洲的广阔平原到太平洋的偏远岛屿,这些故事超越了国界和语言,通过我们共同的人性将我们联系在一起。Each story in this collection is a window into a unique world, where mythical creatures roam ancient landscapes, where ordinary people triumph over adversity through courage and wit, and where timeless moral lessons resonate across cultures and generations. From the enchanted forests of Europe to the mystical realms of Asia, from the vast plains of Africa to the remote islands of the Pacific, these stories transcend borders and languages, connecting us through our shared humanity. 当我们深入了解这些故事时,我们会想起叙述故事的力量,它能够激励、教育和娱乐我们。通过过去和现在叙述者的声音,我们对自己和周围世界有了更深层次的理解。无论是村庄长者在篝火旁重新讲述,还是以书面形式保存供后人阅读,民间故事都继续吸引各个年龄段的观众,邀请我们探索我们共同想象力的奇迹。 As we delve into these tales, we are reminded of the power of storytelling to inspire, educate, and entertain. Through the voices of storytellers past and present, we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Whether retold by village elders around a campfire or preserved in written form for future generations, folk stories continue to captivate audiences of all ages, inviting us to explore the wonders of our collective imagination. 我希望这个收藏能够成为对民间叙事永恒遗产的致敬,并激励读者发现这些永恒故事中蕴含的魔力。愿这些故事激发对话,点燃想象力,并促进对人类文化丰富多样性的更深层次欣赏,这种多样性在世界各个角落都得到了茁壮成长。 It is my hope that this collection will serve as a tribute to the enduring legacy of folk storytelling and inspire readers to discover the magic that lies within these timeless tales. May these stories spark conversations, ignite imaginations, and foster a greater appreciation for the rich diversity of human culture that thrives in every corner of the globe.

  • - 中外双语文化阅读丛书 Bilingual Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK #26
    av David Yao

    锁麟囊 The Jewelry Purse - A Chinese Folk Story 中国民间故事 - Bilingual Chinese and Foreign Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK Intermediate to Advanced Learners 中外文化阅读丛书 #26 小朋友!你听过《百宝囊》这个故事吗?它是根据中国民间传说《锁麟囊》改写而成的。由于故事曲折,情节动人,所以京戏和电影,都曾演出过,深受人们的欢迎。Children! Have you heard of the story "Hundred-Treasure Pouch"? It is adapted from the Chinese folk legend "Lock Dragon Bag". Due to its intricate plot and touching storyline, it has been performed in Peking Opera and movies, and it's greatly appreciated by people. 《锁麟囊》是1940年由剧作家翁偶虹应程砚秋之约而作的京剧剧本,故事题材取自焦循《剧说卷三》引述清初笔记小说《只麈谈》。该剧讲述了善良的富家小姐薛湘灵,在出嫁时将装满珠宝的锁麟囊赠予贫寒女子赵守贞。后薛湘灵遭水灾落难,流落至富户卢家当保姆,发现卢家主母正是当年的贫寒女子赵守贞。"Lock Dragon Bag" was a Peking Opera script written in 1940 by the playwright Weng Ou-Hong upon the request of Cheng Yanqiu. The story is based on an excerpt from Jiao Xun's "Jushuo Vol. Three", which references the Qing Dynasty novel "Zhi Zhu Tan". The play tells the story of the kind-hearted wealthy young lady Xue Xiangling, who, upon marriage, gives a pouch filled with jewels to the impoverished girl Zhao Shouzhen. Later, Xue Xiangling falls victim to a flood and ends up as a maid in the wealthy Lu family, where she discovers that the mistress of the house is none other than the once-poor girl Zhao Shouzhen. 本书的主角薛湘灵,是个聪明美丽的女孩子。她的家境富有,从小受到母亲的溺爱,养成了任性、骄傲、和不知节俭的坏习惯。在她出嫁的那一年,她的母亲送给她一只百宝就,里面装满了值钱的金银珠宝。由于这只百宝囊,后来引出了许多悲欢离合的故事。The protagonist of this story, Xue Xiangling, is a clever and beautiful girl. Coming from a wealthy family, she has been spoiled by her mother since childhood, leading to her developing bad habits of being willful, proud, and wasteful. In the year of her marriage, her mother gave her a pouch full of valuable jewels. This pouch led to many stories of joys and sorrows. 小朋友!假如你想知道:薛湘灵究竟怎样遭难,又怎样转祸为福和家人团聚,请你赶快细心地欣赏这个故事吧。我相信你不但会深深地被它所吸引,而且也将懂得仁慈、节俭这两种美德,对于一个人是多么的重要! Children! If you want to know how Xue Xiangling suffered and how she turned her misfortunes into blessings and reunited with her family, please carefully enjoy this story. I believe you will not only be deeply attracted to it but also understand how important kindness and frugality are for a person!

  • - Bilingual Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK #25
    av David Yao

    笑脸婆婆 Smiling Grandma - A Collection of 12 Fables 寓言故事12篇 - Bilingual Chinese and Foreign Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK Intermediate to Advanced Learners 中外文化阅读丛书 #25 Fables 寓言故事 在人类文学的丰富画卷中,寓言故事犹如一幅独特而引人深思的画卷,以简明的语言和生动的寓意展现着深刻的道理。这些小小的寓言故事,蕴含着丰富的智慧和道德,通过动物、自然和人物的寓言形象,为我们呈现出一个个生动的寓言世界。 In the rich tapestry of human literature, fables stand out as a unique and thought-provoking masterpiece. Using concise language and vivid allegories, these small fables present profound truths. Woven from the threads of animals, nature, and characters, they unveil vivid worlds of allegory. 《寓言故事》汇集了一系列精选的故事,从中我们可以窥见作者的睿智和对人性、生活、价值观的思考。这些故事或许以简单的情节展开,却蕴含着深刻的哲理,引导着读者思考人生的方方面面。 The "Fables Stories" collection brings together a series of carefully selected stories. From these tales, we catch glimpses of the author's wisdom and contemplation on human nature, life, and values. While these stories may unfold with simple plots, they contain profound philosophies, guiding readers to contemplate various aspects of life. 随着我们踏入这个充满启示的故事世界,或许我们会在喜剧和悲剧的交织中找到共鸣,或许我们会在荒诞和现实的碰撞中得到启示。这里的每一个寓言都是一堂生动的启智课,为我们提供了一面独特的镜子,让我们更好地审视自己和周围的世界。 As we step into this world of enlightening stories, we might resonate with the interplay of comedy and tragedy or find revelations in the collision of absurdity and reality. Each fable here is a lively lesson in wisdom, providing us with a unique mirror to better examine ourselves and the world around us. 愿读者在这个故事的海洋里畅游,捕捉到知识的珍珠,收获到人生的感悟。《寓言故事》期待成为你心灵的伙伴,启迪你的智慧,陪伴你度过美妙的阅读时光。 May readers navigate the ocean of these stories, capturing the pearls of knowledge and harvesting insights into life. "Fables Stories" aspires to be a companion to your soul, enlightening your wisdom, and accompanying you through wonderful reading moments.

  • - Bilingual Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK #24
    av David Yao

    渔翁和金鱼-童话故事9篇 The Fisherman and the Goldfish - Nine Fairy Tales- Bilingual Chinese and Foreign Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK Intermediate to Advanced Learners 中外文化阅读丛书 #24 在人类存在的织锦之中,贯穿时间和传统的是一系列超越现实边界的故事线。这些是穿越历史长廊的传说,围绕着想象边缘起舞的神话,以及无法被时间束缚的传奇。当我们踏上通往传奇故事领域的旅程时,我们发现自己处于神话和现实的十字路口,在那里非凡遇见平凡。 In the tapestry of human existence, woven through time and tradition, are threads of stories that transcend the boundaries of reality. These are tales that echo through the corridors of history, myths that dance on the edges of imagination, and legends that defy the grasp of time itself. As we embark on this journey through the realms of legendary stories, we find ourselves at the crossroads of myth and reality, where the extraordinary meets the ordinary. 这个收藏是对人类精神无限叙事能力的庆祝,对代代相传故事叙述的探索。在这里,页面充满英雄、神祇和神话生物的耳语,邀请读者沉浸于民间传说和寓言的迷人景色中。 This collection is a celebration of the human spirit's boundless capacity for storytelling, an exploration of the narratives that have been passed down through generations. Here, the pages breathe with the whispers of heroes, gods, and mythical creatures, inviting readers to lose themselves in the enchanting landscapes of folklore and fable. 从塑造文明的古老史诗到给多元文化的织锦涂上色彩的民间传说,每个故事都是叙述的普遍力量的证明。这些传说不仅仅是过去的故事;它们是持续塑造我们对世界和自己理解的活体,是生命力不息的实体。 From the ancient epics that have shaped civilizations to the folklore that colors the tapestry of diverse cultures, each story is a testament to the universal power of narrative. These legends are not merely tales of the past; they are living entities that continue to shape our understanding of the world and ourselves. 当我们深入这些传奇故事的丰富图景时,让我们记住,在神话的领域里,真相常常披着隐喻的外衣,现实与幻想之间的边界模糊。正是在这些模糊的线条之中,人类经验的本质得以表达。 As we delve into the rich tapestry of these legendary stories, let us remember that, in the realm of myths, truth often wears the cloak of metaphor, and the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur. It is in these blurred lines that the essence of human experience finds its expression. 愿这个收藏成为一个携带你穿越时间海洋的器皿,向你介绍那些名字已经与勇气、智慧以及光明与黑暗之间永恒斗争等同的角色。通过这些故事的走廊,愿你找到反思、灵感的时刻,也许,还有一点点在寻常中的非凡。 May this collection be a vessel that carries you across oceans of time, introducing you to characters whose names have become synonymous with courage, wisdom, and the eternal struggle between light and darkness. Through the corridors of these tales, may you find moments of reflection, inspiration, and perhaps, a touch of the extraordinary within the ordinary. 那么,亲爱的读者,请与我们一同踏上这场进入传奇叙事之心的奥德赛,在那里过去的回音在现在回响,永恒的故事仍在人类灵魂上施放其魔法。 So, dear reader, embark with us on this odyssey into the heart of legendary narratives, where the echoes of the past reverberate in the present, and the ageless stories continue to cast their spell on the human soul. 祝你在传奇的领域中一帆风顺。 Bon voyage into the realms of legend.

  • - Bilingual Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK #23
    av David Yao

    公主嫁狼 Princess Marries Wolf - 丹麦童话 A Danish Fairy Tale - Bilingual Chinese and Foreign Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK Intermediate to Advanced Learners 中外文化阅读丛书 #23 丹麦《狼王子》本来是丹表童话里面,一个非常有趣的故事。一个美丽的公主,居然嫁给了一只狼,这一只狼,又居然便是一个受到魔法陷害的王子!王子本该三年期满就解除魔法,恢复人身的,却接连三次都被公主无意破坏了。最后,还是靠了仙人的指示,经过了许多奇坑,尝尽了许多艰险,才能取得神鸟,恢复了王子本来的英俊而目,开始了他和公主的真正快乐的生活。The Danish fairy tale "The Wolf Prince" is originally a very interesting story from Danish folklore. A beautiful princess unexpectedly marries a wolf, who turns out to be a prince enchanted by magic! The prince was supposed to be released from the spell and regain his human form after three years, but the princess unintentionally sabotaged it three times in a row. In the end, with the guidance of a fairy, after enduring many trials and tribulations, they were able to obtain the magical bird, restore the prince's original handsome appearance and vision, and begin their truly happy life together with the princess.

  • - Bilingual Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK #22
    av David Yao

    铁扇公主和火焰山 Iron Fan Princess and the Flaming Mountain - Bilingual Chinese and Foreign Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK Intermediate to Advanced Learners 中外文化阅读丛书 #22 《火焰山》,是从中国小说名著《西游记》内截取一段很风趣的材料政写成的。本书为了要适合小朋友们的趣味和程度起见,情节上和《西游记》原书略有不同,但比原书更适合小朋友们阅读。"The Flaming Mountain" is a humorous excerpt from the famous Chinese novel "Journey to the West". In order to suit the interests and understanding of children, this book has slightly altered the plot from the original novel "Journey to the West", making it more suitable for young readers. 本书大概的情节,是叙述一只本领高强,又聪明,又忠心的猴子-孙悟空,历尽千辛万苦,护送师父唐三藏,到西天取经。半途中,有一座火焰山挡住去路;在此,孙猴子就出尽法宝,几经艰苦,才打败镇山妖怪铁扇公主,夺得了她的芭蕉宝扇,扇熄了熊熊的火焰,安然越过火焰山。The general plot of this book narrates the journey of Sun Wukong, a highly skilled, intelligent, and loyal monkey who, with great hardships, escorts his master, Tang Sanzang, to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures. Along the way, they encounter the Flaming Mountain blocking their path. Here, Sun Wukong uses all his magical powers and after numerous challenges, defeats the demon Iron Fan Princess who guards the mountain, and obtains her magical banana palm-leaf fan. Using the fan, he extinguishes the raging flames of the mountain, allowing them to safely pass. 作者吴承恩,想象力十分丰富,在本故事中,表现得够紧张、够神奇、够生动、够有趣,尤其是描写孙悟空和牛魔王斗法的一段,更加精彩,令人看了不忍释手。亲爱的小朋友,相信你们一定会喜欢它! The author, Wu Cheng'en, demonstrates rich imagination in this story, creating a narrative that is thrilling, magical, vivid, and entertaining. Particularly, the segment depicting the battle between Sun Wukong and the Bull Demon King is exceptionally exciting, making it difficult for readers to put the book down. Dear children, I believe you will enjoy it!

  • - Bilingual Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK #21
    av David Yao

    汤姆寻宝记 Tom's Treasure Hunt - Bilingual Chinese and Foreign Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK Intermediate to Advanced Learners 中外文化阅读丛书 #21 本书改编自《汤姆历险记》,作者是美国大文豪马克吐温(1835 -1910),他的真名叫克菜曼斯。马克吐温为人勤奋好学,富有冒险精神。他一共写下了二十多本小说,其中以《乞丐王子》和《汤姆历险记》最受小读者欢迎。This book is adapted from "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer," written by the American literary giant Mark Twain (1835-1910), whose real name is Samuel Clemens. Mark Twain was diligent and studious, with a spirit of adventure. He wrote more than twenty novels in total, among which "The Prince and the Pauper" and "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" are most beloved by young readers. 马克吐温生在北美密西西比河畔,一个小乡镇里。他童年时代,常常在河两岸玩船、戏水,所以对这条河的印象非常深刻。他写的书,大部分都用密西西比河的事物做题材;这本《汤姆历险记》,也是用密西西比河做背景。这本书的故事,差不多是马克吐温童年真实的经历,所以处处都流露出那种冒险精神和善良的心地来。 Mark Twain was born in a small town on the banks of the Mississippi River in North America. During his childhood, he often played with boats and swam along the riverbanks, so his impression of the river was profound. Most of his writings were inspired by the Mississippi River; this book, "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer," is also set against the backdrop of the Mississippi River. The story of this book is almost like Mark Twain's real childhood experiences, hence it exudes an adventurous spirit and kindness throughout.

  • - Bilingual Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK #20
    av David Yao

    杀鸡取卵-寓言故事12篇 Killing the Chicken to Get the Eggs - Twelve Fables - Bilingual Chinese and Foreign Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK Intermediate to Advanced Learners 中外文化阅读丛书 #20 寓言故事 Fables在人类文学的丰富画卷中,寓言故事犹如一幅独特而引人深思的画卷,以简明的语言和生动的寓意展现着深刻的道理。这些小小的寓言故事,蕴含着丰富的智慧和道德,通过动物、自然和人物的寓言形象,为我们呈现出一个个生动的寓言世界。 In the rich tapestry of human literature, fables stand out as a unique and thought-provoking masterpiece. Using concise language and vivid allegories, these small fables present profound truths. Woven from the threads of animals, nature, and characters, they unveil vivid worlds of allegory. 《寓言故事》汇集了一系列精选的故事,从中我们可以窥见作者的睿智和对人性、生活、价值观的思考。这些故事或许以简单的情节展开,却蕴含着深刻的哲理,引导着读者思考人生的方方面面。 The "Fables Stories" collection brings together a series of carefully selected stories. From these tales, we catch glimpses of the author's wisdom and contemplation on human nature, life, and values. While these stories may unfold with simple plots, they contain profound philosophies, guiding readers to contemplate various aspects of life. 随着我们踏入这个充满启示的故事世界,或许我们会在喜剧和悲剧的交织中找到共鸣,或许我们会在荒诞和现实的碰撞中得到启示。这里的每一个寓言都是一堂生动的启智课,为我们提供了一面独特的镜子,让我们更好地审视自己和周围的世界。 As we step into this world of enlightening stories, we might resonate with the interplay of comedy and tragedy or find revelations in the collision of absurdity and reality. Each fable here is a lively lesson in wisdom, providing us with a unique mirror to better examine ourselves and the world around us. 愿读者在这个故事的海洋里畅游,捕捉到知识的珍珠,收获到人生的感悟。《寓言故事》期待成为你心灵的伙伴,启迪你的智慧,陪伴你度过美妙的阅读时光。 May readers navigate the ocean of these stories, capturing the pearls of knowledge and harvesting insights into life. "Fables Stories" aspires to be a companion to your soul, enlightening your wisdom, and accompanying you through wonderful reading moments.

  • - Bilingual Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK #18
    av David Yao

    Goddess of Spring 带来春天的女神 亲爱的小朋友,你们听过希腊的神话故事吗?希腊是欧洲著名的古国,它的神话流传到全世界。这些故事又美丽、又富有想像力,小朋友个个爱听。Dear children, have you ever heard of Greek mythology? Greece is a famous ancient country in Europe, and its myths have spread all over the world. These stories are beautiful and imaginative, and every child loves to hear them. 《带来春天的女神》就是根据希腊神话改写的。原著里面的柏瑟芬妮是个成熟的少女,为了适合少年儿童阅读,现在把她改写成一个八九岁的女孩子。"Bringing Spring Goddess" is rewritten based on Greek mythology. The original Persephone was a mature teenage girl, but to suit young children's reading, she is now rewritten as a girl aged eight or nine. 据说,那时候管理庄稼的女神名叫狄米特,她有一个可爱的女儿,叫做柏瑟芬妮。有一次,小芬妮到郊外去游玩,被地府之王普鲁托看见。普晉托觉得很孤独,希望有一个女孩来陪伴自己,就把小芬妮强抢到地下宫殿去了。狄米特妈妈知道这件事,当然不肯罢休,她想尽了方法要把女儿找回来。后来找回来没有?小芬妮又怎么会变成了"春天的女神"?如果你想知道,就请你打开这本书,仔细地阅读吧! It is said that at that time, the goddess who managed the crops was named Demeter, and she had a lovely daughter named Persephone. Once, little Persephone went to the outskirts to play and was seen by the King of the Underworld, Hades. Hades felt very lonely and wished for a girl to accompany him, so he forcibly took Persephone to his underground palace. When Demeter, the mother, learned of this, she naturally refused to give up and tried every means to find her daughter. Did she eventually find her? How did Persephone become the "Goddess of Spring"? If you want to know, please open this book and read carefully!

  • - Bilingual Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK #17
    av David Yao

    快乐的叶子 The Happy Leaves - Bilingual Chinese and Foreign Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK Intermediate to Advanced Learners 中外文化阅读丛书 #17 内容是描写一-对穷鞋匠,在圣诞夜里,偶然间和一只神鸟交成朋友,以后,每年到了复活节,鸟儿就从遥远的地极,给他们带来两种神奇的树叶;一种是令人富贵的黄金叶子,另一种是让人快乐忘忧的快乐叶子,哥哥选中了黄金叶,弟弟选中了快乐叶,因了快乐叶的关系,以后,便发生了一连串神奇而又有趣的故事情节。It depicts the story of a pair of poor shoemakers who, on Christmas Eve, accidentally befriend a magical bird. From then on, every Easter, the bird brings them two kinds of magical leaves from a distant polar region: one is the golden leaf that brings wealth, and the other is the happy leaf that brings joy and forgetfulness. The elder brother chooses the golden leaf, while the younger brother chooses the happy leaf. Because of the happy leaf, a series of magical and interesting stories unfold thereafter. 各位小读者,假如你想知道快乐叶是一种什么样的叶子,以后会演出一个何等动人的故事,那就请你坐下来,翻开这本书,静静地去欣赏吧!Dear young readers, if you want to know what kind of leaf the happy leaf is and how it will lead to such a touching story in the future, please sit down, open this book, and quietly enjoy i

  • - Bilingual Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK #16
    av David Yao

    牛顿的小水车 - 12 Stories of Famous Figures -名人故事12篇 Bilingual Chinese and Foreign Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK Intermediate to Advanced Learners 中外文化阅读丛书 #16 Preface 序言: 在全球化时代,文化之间的界限变得模糊,国与国之间的交流日益密切,因此,深入了解世界各地多元的文化和传统对学习者而言变得愈发重要。正是在这样的背景下,我们推出了《中外名人轶事》系列。该系列旨在为读者提供一个窥见中国和外国文化之美的机会。In the era of globalization, where the boundaries between cultures blur and interactions between nations intensify, understanding the diverse cultures and traditions around the world has become increasingly vital for learners. It is in this context that the series "Anecdotes of Celebrities from China and Abroad" is presented. This series aims to provide readers with an opportunity to glimpse the beauty of cultures from both China and foreign lands. 通过中英双语的形式,我们的目标是帮助读者探索不同文化之间的迷人联系和丰富多样性。通过深入研究来自不同地区的名人轶事和故事,读者可以更深入地了解共同的人类经历以及塑造全球文化格局的独特特征。Through bilingual content in both Chinese and English, our goal is to assist readers in exploring the fascinating connections and rich diversity that exist among different cultures. By delving into the anecdotes and stories of renowned figures from various regions, readers can gain deeper insights into the shared human experiences and the unique characteristics that shape our global cultural tapestry. 我们希望这个系列能够成为文化交流的桥梁,促进各行各业读者之间的相互理解和欣赏。We hope that this series will serve as a bridge for cultural exchange, fostering mutual understanding and appreciation among readers from all walks of life.

  • - Bilingual Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK #15
    av David Yao

    Andy's Little Hut- A Dutch Children's Story -安德斯的小屋-荷兰儿童故事 Bilingual Chinese and Foreign Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK Intermediate to Advanced Learners 中外文化阅读丛书 #15 原著《小福星安德斯》是一位荷兰作家--喜达-温-斯克特姆的作品,这本书是他特地为自己的儿子写的,所以语句生动,十分适合小朋友的趣味。 The original work "Little Andy" is a creation by Dutch author Hans de Witte, written specifically for his son. Its lively language and captivating narrative make it highly suitable for children's enjoyment. 本书的主角是一个十岁的男孩子,名叫安德斯,他非常顽皮,而且富于幻想,所以常常做出一些出人意料之外的事情,在不懂得儿童爱动和有创造的天性的大人眼内,他的一场活动都被认为是胡闹的。The protagonist of this book is a ten-year-old boy named Andy. He is extremely mischievous and rich in imagination, often doing things that are unexpected. However, adults who fail to understand the active and creative nature of children perceive his activities as mere mischief. 因此在这本书开始的时候,安德斯就常常受到人们的歧视和讨厌,幸好玫瑰小姐了解他,她让彼得叔叔体会到,孩子们的好动,爱玩各种奇奇怪怪的玩意儿,在适当的方式下去玩,不算胡闹;相反的,还可以启发他们的智慧,引导他们去创造发明。以后,彼得叔叔才慢慢发现他的可爱,自此安德斯便获得美满幸福的家庭生活。Therefore, from the beginning of the book, Andy often faces discrimination and dislike from people around him. Fortunately, Miss Rose understands him. She helps Uncle Peter realize that children's active play with various oddities, when done in the right way, is not just mischief; it can also stimulate their intelligence and inspire them to create inventions. Eventually, Uncle Peter slowly discovers Andy's lovable qualities, leading to Andy finding happiness and fulfillment in his family life. 安德斯到底有些什么胡闹而又好玩的玩意呢?小朋友们,请你自己仔细阅读下去,就会知道了。 What mischievous yet fun adventures does Andy embark on? Children, as you continue reading, you'll soon find out!

  • - Bilingual Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK #14
    av David Yao

    从王子到佛陀From Prince to Buddha - 13 Stories of Famous Figures -名人故事13篇 Preface 序言: 在全球化时代,文化之间的界限变得模糊,国与国之间的交流日益密切,因此,深入了解世界各地多元的文化和传统对学习者而言变得愈发重要。正是在这样的背景下,我们推出了《中外名人轶事》系列。该系列旨在为读者提供一个窥见中国和外国文化之美的机会。In the era of globalization, where the boundaries between cultures blur and interactions between nations intensify, understanding the diverse cultures and traditions around the world has become increasingly vital for learners. It is in this context that the series "Anecdotes of Celebrities from China and Abroad" is presented. This series aims to provide readers with an opportunity to glimpse the beauty of cultures from both China and foreign lands. 通过中英双语的形式,我们的目标是帮助读者探索不同文化之间的迷人联系和丰富多样性。通过深入研究来自不同地区的名人轶事和故事,读者可以更深入地了解共同的人类经历以及塑造全球文化格局的独特特征。Through bilingual content in both Chinese and English, our goal is to assist readers in exploring the fascinating connections and rich diversity that exist among different cultures. By delving into the anecdotes and stories of renowned figures from various regions, readers can gain deeper insights into the shared human experiences and the unique characteristics that shape our global cultural tapestry. 我们希望这个系列能够成为文化交流的桥梁,促进各行各业读者之间的相互理解和欣赏。We hope that this series will serve as a bridge for cultural exchange, fostering mutual understanding and appreciation among readers from all walks of life.

  • - Bilingual Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK #13
    av David Yao

    劈山救母-中华神话故事 Splitting the Mountain to Rescue Mother - A Chinese Mythological Tale "The Breaking Open the Mountain to Rescue Mother," also known as "The Magic Lotus Lantern," is one of the ancient Chinese mythological legends, originating from the Tang Dynasty and having multiple versions of dramas and narrative texts. The Three Holy Mothers, celestial beings, lived in the Holy Mother Palace on Mount Hua, accompanied by pine trees, cranes, and white clouds, feeling very lonely. Taking advantage of the Erlang Shen's absence as he ascended to the heavens for a banquet, she took her attendant, Morning Glow, out of the palace for a stroll. 《劈山救母》, 又名《宝莲灯》是中国古代神话传说之一,起源于唐代并有多个不同版本的戏剧和说唱文本。仙女三圣母住在华山圣母宫中,常年与松鹤白云为伴,感到十分孤寂。她趁着二郎神上天赴宴之时,带着侍女朝霞出宫游玩。 书生刘彦昌到京城赴考落第,为解愁闷独自到华山上游玩,在那里他遇到了三圣母,他们彼此情投意合,并结为了夫妻。后来,三圣母生下了一个儿子,取名叫沉香。Scholar Liu Yanchang, who had failed the imperial examination in the capital, went to Mount Hua alone to dispel his melancholy. There, he met the Three Holy Mothers, and they fell in love with each other, eventually becoming husband and wife. Later, the Three Holy Mothers gave birth to a son named Chen Xiang. 不久之后,三圣母的哥哥二郎神杨戬发现了此事,为了维护天规和家法,二郎神决定捉拿三圣母,并除掉她的丈夫和孩子,但是他却惧怕镇山之宝-宝莲灯的威力。于是二郎神便从三圣母手中骗走了宝莲灯,之后将三圣母给镇压在了华山底下。Soon after, the Three Holy Mothers' brother, Erlang Shen Yang Jian, discovered this and, to uphold celestial laws and family rules, decided to capture the Three Holy Mothers and dispose of her husband and child. However, he feared the power of the mountain-sealing treasure-the Magic Lotus Lantern. So, Erlang Shen deceived the Three Holy Mothers and took the Magic Lotus Lantern from her, then suppressed her under Mount Hua. 三圣母的侍女朝霞避开二郎神的搜查,偷偷带着刘彦昌和沉香逃离了华山。十六年后,沉香拜霹雳大仙为师,学成一身武艺,重返华山夺回了宝莲灯,打败了二郎神。沉香使用神斧劈开华山,救出了三圣母,一家三口最终得以团聚。The Three Holy Mothers' attendant, Morning Glow, evaded Erlang Shen's search and secretly took Liu Yanchang and Chen Xiang away from Mount Hua. Sixteen years later, Chen Xiang became a disciple of the Thunderbolt Immortal, mastering martial arts, and returned to Mount Hua to reclaim the Magic Lotus Lantern, defeating Erlang Shen. Chen Xiang used a divine axe to split open Mount Hua, rescuing the Three Holy Mothers, and the family of three finally reunited.

  • - Bilingual Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK #12
    av David Yao

    Sun Wukong Battles the White-Boned Demon 孙悟空三打白骨精- Bilingual Chinese and Foreign Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK Intermediate to Advanced Learners 中外文化阅读丛书 #12 唐僧师徒四人为取真经,行至白虎岭前。在白虎岭内,住着一个尸魔白骨精。为了吃唐僧肉,先后变幻为村姑、妇人、老夫,全被孙悟空一一识破,白骨精害怕,变作一阵风逃走。孙悟空把村姑、妇人的假身统统都打死,但唐僧却不辨人妖,以为孙悟空滥杀无辜,反而责怪孙悟空恣意行凶,连伤母女两命,违反戒律。第三次白骨精又变成白发老公公又被孙悟空识破打死。唐僧写下贬书,将孙悟空赶回了花果山。 The master Tang and his three disciples, in their quest for the scriptures, arrived at the foot of White Tiger Ridge. Within White Tiger Ridge dwelled a demon known as White Bone Demoness. In her quest to consume Tang Sanzang's flesh, she transformed into various disguises, including a village girl, a woman, and an old man. However, Sun Wukong saw through each of her deceptions, causing the White Bone Demoness to flee in fear, disguised as a gust of wind. Sun Wukong, believing the village girl and woman to be illusions, defeated them both. However, Tang Sanzang, unable to discern between human and demon, accused Sun Wukong of indiscriminate killing, violating Buddhist precepts. In their third encounter, the White Bone Demoness transformed into a white-haired old man, only to be exposed and defeated by Sun Wukong once again. Tang Sanzang wrote a letter of condemnation, banishing Sun Wukong back to Flower Fruit Mountain.

  • - Bilingual Chinese Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE, GCE & AP
    av David Yao

    中国小学文言文全集-The Complete Collection of Classical Chinese for China Elementary Schools -Bilingual Chinese Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE, GCE & AP 双语IB、IGCSE、GCE和AP中文文化阅读系列 The Complete Collection of Classical Chinese for China Elementary Schools" is a comprehensive bilingual series designed to foster a deep understanding of classical Chinese culture among students following international curricula such as IB, IGCSE, GCE, and AP. This series serves as an invaluable resource for learners seeking to explore the rich tapestry of Chinese literature, history, philosophy, and language. The collection features a diverse range of classical Chinese texts carefully curated to align with the needs of elementary school students in international educational settings. Each piece has been selected not only for linguistic and cultural relevance but also for its ability to engage young minds in the exploration of China's profound cultural heritage. With a bilingual approach, this series facilitates a nuanced understanding of classical Chinese while providing English translations and explanations to ensure accessibility for students from different language backgrounds. It aims to enhance language proficiency, critical thinking skills, and cultural awareness in an engaging and interactive manner. Whether preparing for language proficiency exams or simply delving into the richness of Chinese culture, "The Complete Collection of Classical Chinese for China Elementary Schools" stands as an essential tool for students and educators alike, fostering a lifelong appreciation for the depth and diversity of classical Chinese literature and thought. 《中国小学文言文全集》是一套全面的双语系列,旨在培养国际课程(如IB、IGCSE、GCE和AP)学生对古代汉语文化的深刻理解。该系列是学习者探索中国文学、历史、哲学和语言丰富内涵的宝贵资源。 这一系列涵盖了各种精选的古代汉语文本,经过精心策划,以满足国际教育环境中小学生的需求。每一篇文章都不仅在语言和文化上具有相关性,还能够引发年轻思维对中国深厚文化遗产的探索。 采用双语方式,该系列在提供英文翻译和解释的同时促进对古代汉语的细致理解,确保学生可以轻松理解,不论其语言背景如何。它旨在通过引人入胜和互动的方式提升语言熟练度、批判性思维能力和文化意识。 无论是为了语言能力考试的准备,还是为了深入了解中国文化的丰富性,《中国小学文言文全集》都是学生和教育工作者的重要工具,培养对古代汉语文学和思想深度与多样性的终身欣赏。

  • - Bilingual Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK
    av David Yao

    Mom's Gem 妈妈的宝石 - Selected Folklore Collection 精选民间故事集 Bilingual Chinese and Foreign Cultural Reading Series for IB, IGCSE & AP Chinese, HSK Intermediate to Advanced Learners 双语中外文化阅读丛书 #11 Introduction to the Selected Folklore Collection 精选民间故事集前言 This carefully curated collection of folk stories embarks on a profound literary journey, encompassing the wisdom passed down from every corner, the magical legends, and thought-provoking traditional tales. These stories are the pearls of human culture, each one polished by time into a more brilliant gem. In the universe of these tales, we traverse between the fantastical realms of immortals and the tangible world of humanity, experiencing how the mystical folklore weaves into a flowing tapestry of culture. These stories are precious gifts left by the wise, offering insights into the philosophies of life, the forces of nature, and the exploration of human nature. Through the twists and turns of these intricate and fantastical narratives, we may catch glimpses of the ancient civilization's wisdom, resonating with the profound emotions of humanity. Let us venture together into this magical collection of stories, exploring the pearls of wisdom passed down through ancient times, savoring the undulating tapestry of the myriad human experiences. Perhaps, within these tales, one story will ripple in the depths of our souls, stirring a deeper contemplation of life. 精选民间故事集前言 这本精选的民间故事集是一次深度的文学之旅,它涵盖了各个角落的智慧传承、神奇传说和引人深思的传统故事。这些故事是人类文化的明珠,每一个都是被时间打磨得更加璀璨的宝石。在这个故事的宇宙里,我们穿梭于奇幻的仙境和真实的人间,感受着神秘的民间传承如何编织成一张流动的文化画卷。 这些故事是智者们留给我们的宝贵馈赠,是生活的哲学、自然的力量、人性的探寻。透过这一系列情节曲折、离奇的故事,我们或能窥见古老文明的智慧之光,感悟人类情感的深沉共鸣。 让我们一同走进这个神奇的故事集,探寻远古时光里流传下来的智慧之珠,品味那些跌宕起伏的人生百态。或许,这其中的某个故事,将在心灵深处激起我们对生活更深层次思考的涟漪。

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