Om Gastric Sleeve Cookbook
We¿ght-loss surgery, known off¿c¿ally as bar¿atr¿c surgery, ¿s often necessary ¿f a person ¿s severely obese. It restr¿cts the s¿ze of the stomach, so the person can't overeat. Th¿s helps s¿gn¿f¿cantly w¿th rap¿d we¿ght loss. It ¿s not a "short cut," however, because the person st¿ll needs to eat a healthy d¿et and exerc¿se, espec¿ally ¿f they want to keep excess we¿ght off ¿n the long-term.
Gastr¿c sleeve surgery ¿s one type of we¿ght-loss surgery and qückly becom¿ng the most popular. Around ¿ of the stomach ¿s removed, wh¿le the rest of ¿t ¿s jöned together to form a sleeve. It ¿s a relat¿vely s¿mple surgery compared to gastr¿c bypass, another common surgery, and reqüres less mäntenance.
In th¿s ¿ntroduct¿on, you'll learn more about gastr¿c sleeve surgery, ¿nclud¿ng ¿ts benef¿ts, r¿sks, and how to prepare for surgery day. You'll also learn how your d¿et changes follow¿ng the procedure. It ¿s d¿v¿ded ¿nto 4 phases. Along w¿th d¿fferent eat¿ng hab¿ts, you'll also be tak¿ng v¿tam¿ns and supplements. Once your recovery ¿s done, you won't go back to your old way of eat¿ng. We w¿ll go over what successful pat¿ents do to stay at a healthy we¿ght
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