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Marknadsföring har gradvis blivit ett brett koncept som avser flera områden. Det finns många olika sätt att arbeta med marknadsföring, oavsett om det är digitalt eller analogt via skyltar eller liknande. Därför har vi ett varierat urval med böcker av experter på området. Vi har böcker skrivna av tidigare jättar på marknaden med olika syn på marknaden idag och om hur du kan säkra en bra position. Förutom dessa typer har vi också läroböcker som är gjorda med det specifika målet att lära läsaren så mycket som möjligt inom ämnet. Om du är i färd med att lära dig och förstå marknadsföring har vi bra böcker specifikt för detta. Kolla in vårt urval och se om du hittar någon inspiration för ditt kommande projekt!
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  • av Stanilas Bigirimana
    2 417

    In the wake of increasing consumer and stakeholder concerns regarding environmental and social issues, and the vulnerabilities exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, sustainable marketing has emerged as a critical aspect of modern business strategies. Sustainable Marketing, Branding, and Reputation Management: Strategies for a Greener Future provides a comprehensive and timely exploration of the key concepts, trends, and challenges in sustainable marketing within today's dynamic business environment. This book delivers an extensive overview of sustainable marketing, covering a diverse range of topics. It delves into the role of sustainable marketing in addressing environmental and social concerns, examines its impact on consumer behavior and brand loyalty, and showcases best practices for integrating sustainability into marketing strategies and tactics. Additionally, it explores the challenges and opportunities associated with implementing sustainable marketing across various industries, investigates the influence of digital technologies on sustainable marketing, and explores the future of sustainable marketing in the post-COVID-19 era. Targeting marketing professionals, business leaders, marketing students and educators, and individuals interested in advancing sustainable business practices, this book serves as an invaluable resource. It offers insights into the role of marketing in creating a more environmentally friendly future and equips readers with the latest strategies and best practices for promoting sustainability through marketing.

  • av Stefano Pascal

    Intelligence Financière: competenze essenziali per un futuro economico sicuroNel mondo caotico della finanza, dove le incertezze economiche e le opportunità di investimento si verificano, "Intelligence Financière" si rivela come una borsa indispensabile per chi vuole navigare con sicurezza verso un futuro finanziario prospero.Questo libro non è solo una guida, ma un percorso trasformativo che fornisce le competenze necessarie per prendere decisioni finanziarie chiare e giudiziarie, offrendo un'anteprima dettagliata e accessibile dell'immenso universo finanziario.Ecco alcune delle competenze che ti servono: Principi di strategia di investimento: imparare a discernere le migliori opportunità di investimento, equilibrando giudiziosamente il rischio e il rendimento. Gestion Avancée du Risque: sviluppare strategie efficaci per attenuare i rischi finanziari e proteggere i vostri investimenti contro gli imprévus. Comprendere l'impatto della globalizzazione: navigare con competenza nei mercati mondiali, comprendere l'influenza della globalizzazione sui rischi e sulle opportunità finanziarie. Durabilità ed etica negli affari: esplora i commenti sulle decisioni finanziarie che possono contribuire ad un'economia durevole e socialmente responsabile. Preparazione per l'Avenir Financier: apprendere le migliori pratiche per pianificare gli eventi significativi della vita e costruire un patrimonio durevole."Intelligence Financière" est plus qu'un livre; è un investimento nel tuo futuro.Ti guiderà attraverso le sfide del presente, sei dotato di conoscenze per fare la scelta dei finanziatori che arricchiranno non solo te ma anche le generazioni future.Non lasciare il tuo arrivo al finanziere al sicuro.Il successo finanziario è nel tuo porto.

  • av Cameron Fields

    Step into the light with 'The Dark Secrets of Marketing That Could Put You Out of Business,' a no-holds-barred guide by Cameron Fields that's set to revolutionize your understanding of marketing. This book strips away the myths, revealing how misconceived notions of marketing as just sales or social media buzz can cripple your business's true potential. Fields delivers hard-hitting insights and strategies, empowering you to master customer relationships, market research, and value creation. By the end, you'll not only grasp the essence of effective marketing but also wield the tools to dramatically boost your revenue and outpace the competition. Get ready to transform your business approach and dominate your market.

  • av William Frye Sr.

    Embark on a Journey to Social Media Riches!In the digital age where online connections are currency, a treasure map lies within your grasp, leading to a realm of untold riches. "Hashtag Hustle: Your Guide to Social Media Wealth" is your personal codex, packed with the secrets of transforming your online presence into a substantial income.Those initial steps into the world of social media monetization can be daunting. Yet, fear not. This comprehensive guide begins with the bedrock of building your social wealth, escorting you through various platforms bustling with earning opportunities. Discover how each virtual space-Facebook, Instagram, and the underexploited Threads-provides unique avenues to fill your coffers.Ever pondered over crafting a Facebook empire that yields more than just 'Likes'? Delve into strategies that convert your followers into a profitable audience. Be captivated by how Instagram's visual splendor can unlock streams of revenue. Join the frantic pace of TikTok, where mere seconds can lead to sizeable bank deposits. Furthermore, traverse the less chartered waters where Threads can weave you a golden tapestry of potential earnings.Perhaps the viral allure evades you? This guide lays out the blueprint for launching your content across the social seas, ensuring it catches the sails of viral winds. Equip yourself with the tools and know-how to create video clips that captivate and convert, mastering the art of engagement.As an added bonus, "Hashtag Hustle" delves into the nitty-gritty of doing it yourself versus the strategic move of outsourcing-an invaluable dichotomy for the solo entrepreneur. Explore the automation tools that let you reclaim precious time, as you earn passively. Lastly, prepare yourself with knowledge of legalities and brand-building, to establish not just income, but a legacy in the online world.With a resource directory in tow and a glossary to make you fluent in the lingo of likes and clicks, this is your definitive guide. Make "Hashtag Hustle" your companion, and transform your digital outreach into a personal gold mine. The era of social media wealth awaits you.

  • av Magdalena Ultsch

    La numérisation concerne tous les domaines de la vie et est devenue essentielle pour les entreprises afin de permettre une compétitivité durable. La pénurie de personnel qualifié dans le secteur hôtelier, la pandémie Covid-19 et les nouvelles exigences des clients ont entraîné une accélération de la mise en ¿uvre des applications numériques. Ce livre traite de l'utilisation d'applications numériques dans le domaine de la réception et du service dans le but d'aider les collaborateurs à effectuer des tâches administratives répétitives et de leur permettre de consacrer plus de temps au service des clients. Une enquête en ligne auprès des clients professionnels du groupe hôtelier harry's home hotels a permis de déterminer les souhaits et les exigences de ce groupe cible en matière de numérisation dans l'hôtel. En outre, cinq interviews d'experts ont permis de dégager des recommandations d'action correspondantes pour l'hôtellerie. Cette recherche a montré que le contact personnel reste déterminant et que les solutions numériques doivent être mises en ¿uvre lentement, avec une stratégie de communication globale et comme option alternative.

  • av Magdalena Ultsch

    La digitalizzazione interessa tutti i settori della vita ed è ormai essenziale per le aziende per consentire una competitività sostenibile. La carenza di personale qualificato nel settore alberghiero, la pandemia di Covid-19 e le mutate aspettative degli ospiti hanno spinto all'implementazione di applicazioni digitali. Questo libro tratta dell'uso di applicazioni digitali nell'area della reception e dei servizi, con l'obiettivo di supportare i dipendenti nel completamento delle attività amministrative ricorrenti e consentire loro di dedicare più tempo al servizio degli ospiti. Un sondaggio online condotto tra gli ospiti business del gruppo alberghiero harry's home hotels ha permesso di determinare i desideri e le esigenze di questo gruppo target in merito alla digitalizzazione dell'hotel. Inoltre, da cinque interviste con esperti sono emerse le relative raccomandazioni per l'industria alberghiera. La ricerca ha dimostrato che il contatto personale è ancora fondamentale e che le soluzioni digitali dovrebbero essere implementate lentamente, con una strategia di comunicazione completa e come opzione alternativa.

  • av Fernanda Bontempo

    Soyez nus... Mais soyez mince, belle et bronzée ! Michael Foucault (1979) Michael Foucault a dit cela il y a plus de trente ans, dans une interview accordée par le philosophe français au magazine Quel Corps ? Sa conclusion est intrinsèquement liée au concept de ce projet, une campagne publicitaire de lingerie qui vise à remettre en question les normes de beauté et à contribuer à changer la représentation sociale des femmes dans la société brésilienne. Le travail consiste à créer une campagne pour une marque de lingerie fictive appelée "Maldita Lingerie". Inspirée par les méchants des studios Disney, la campagne, qui porte également le titre "Maldita", utilise des personnages de contes de fées pour enfants comme référence et stratégie publicitaire. La campagne se compose d'une série de cinq vidéos. Pour ce faire, cinq mannequins incarnent les méchants des films et réalisent une performance qui critique subtilement les normes esthétiques et révèle la sensualité de la beauté singulière. L'objectif est de vendre un produit lié au culte du corps féminin, tout en interrogeant le corps idéal et la représentation sociale des femmes. Est-ce possible ?

  • av Fernanda Bontempo

    Essere nudi... Ma siate magri, belli e abbronzati! Michael Foucault (1979) Michael Foucault lo disse più di trent'anni fa, in un'intervista rilasciata dal filosofo francese alla rivista Quel Corps? La sua conclusione è intrinsecamente legata al concetto di questo progetto, una campagna pubblicitaria di lingerie che mira a mettere in discussione gli standard di bellezza e a contribuire a cambiare la rappresentazione sociale della donna nella società brasiliana. Il lavoro consiste nel creare una campagna per un marchio di lingerie fittizio chiamato "Maldita Lingerie". Ispirata ai cattivi degli studi Disney, la campagna, che porta anche il titolo "Maldita", utilizza i personaggi delle fiabe per bambini come riferimento e strategia pubblicitaria. La campagna è composta da una serie di cinque video. Per farlo, cinque modelle impersonano i cattivi dei film e danno vita a una performance che critica sottilmente gli standard estetici e rivela la sensualità della bellezza singolare. L'obiettivo è vendere un prodotto legato al culto del corpo femminile e allo stesso tempo mettere in discussione il corpo ideale e la rappresentazione sociale della donna. È possibile?

  • av Fernanda Bontempo

    Sei nackt... Aber sei schlank, schön und braungebrannt! Michael Foucault (1979) Michael Foucault sagte dies vor mehr als dreißig Jahren in einem Interview, das der französische Philosoph der Zeitschrift Quel Corps? gab. Seine Schlussfolgerung ist untrennbar mit dem Konzept dieses Projekts verbunden, einer Werbekampagne für Unterwäsche, die darauf abzielt, Schönheitsnormen in Frage zu stellen und dazu beizutragen, die soziale Darstellung von Frauen in der brasilianischen Gesellschaft zu verändern. Die Arbeit besteht darin, eine Kampagne für eine fiktive Unterwäschemarke namens "Maldita Lingerie" zu entwerfen. Inspiriert von den Bösewichten der Disney-Studios, verwendet die Kampagne, die auch den Titel "Maldita" trägt, Figuren aus Kindermärchen als Referenz und Werbestrategie. Die Kampagne besteht aus einer Serie von fünf Videos. Dabei verkörpern fünf Models die Bösewichte aus den Filmen und führen eine Performance auf, die auf subtile Weise die ästhetischen Normen kritisiert und die Sinnlichkeit der einzigartigen Schönheit offenbart. Ziel ist es, ein Produkt zu verkaufen, das mit dem Kult um den weiblichen Körper verbunden ist, und gleichzeitig den idealen Körper und die gesellschaftliche Darstellung der Frau zu hinterfragen. Ist das möglich?

  • av Fernanda Bontempo

    Bud'te golymi... No bud'te strojnymi, krasiwymi i zagorelymi! Mishel' Fuko (1979) Mishel' Fuko skazal äto bolee tridcati let nazad, w interw'ü, kotoroe francuzskij filosof dal zhurnalu Quel Corps? Ego wywod nerazrywno swqzan s koncepciej dannogo proekta - reklamnoj kampanii nizhnego bel'q, cel' kotoroj - postawit' pod somnenie standarty krasoty i wnesti swoj wklad w izmenenie social'nogo predstawleniq o zhenschinah w brazil'skom obschestwe. Rabota zaklüchaetsq w sozdanii kampanii dlq wymyshlennogo brenda nizhnego bel'q pod nazwaniem "Maldita Lingerie". Vdohnowlennaq zlodeqmi studii Disney, kampaniq, kotoraq takzhe nosit nazwanie "Maldita", ispol'zuet personazhej iz detskih skazok w kachestwe referensa i reklamnoj strategii. Kampaniq sostoit iz serii pqti wideorolikow. Dlq ätogo pqt' modelej izobrazhaüt zlodeew iz fil'mow i ustraiwaüt predstawlenie, w kotorom tonko kritikuütsq ästeticheskie standarty i raskrywaetsq chuwstwennost' unikal'noj krasoty. Cel' - prodat' produkt, swqzannyj s kul'tom zhenskogo tela, i w to zhe wremq postawit' pod somnenie ideal'noe telo i social'nuü reprezentaciü zhenschin. Vozmozhno li äto?

  • av Magdalena Ultsch

    A digitalização afecta todas as áreas da vida e é agora essencial para que as empresas possam ter uma competitividade sustentável. A escassez de trabalhadores qualificados na indústria hoteleira, a pandemia de Covid-19 e a alteração das expectativas dos hóspedes impulsionaram a implementação de aplicações digitais. Este livro aborda a utilização de aplicações digitais na receção e na área de serviço com o objetivo de apoiar os empregados na realização de tarefas administrativas recorrentes, permitindo-lhes assim passar mais tempo a servir os hóspedes. Um inquérito online aos hóspedes empresariais do grupo hoteleiro harry's home hotels determinou quais os desejos e requisitos deste grupo-alvo relativamente à digitalização no hotel. Além disso, as recomendações de ação correspondentes para a indústria hoteleira foram derivadas de cinco entrevistas a peritos. Esta investigação mostrou que o contacto pessoal continua a ser crucial e que as soluções digitais devem ser implementadas lentamente, com uma estratégia de comunicação abrangente e como uma opção alternativa.

  • av Magdalena Ultsch

    Digitalization affects all areas of life and is now essential for companies to enable sustainable competitiveness. The shortage of skilled workers in the hotel industry, the Covid-19 pandemic and changing guest expectations have driven the implementation of digital applications. This book deals with the use of digital applications in the reception and service area with the aim of supporting employees in completing recurring administrative tasks and thus being able to offer them more time for guest service again. An online survey of business guests of the harry's home hotels hotel group determined what wishes and requirements this target group has for digitalization in the hotel. In addition, corresponding recommendations for action for the hotel industry were derived from five expert interviews. This research showed that personal contact is still crucial and that digital solutions should be implemented slowly, with a comprehensive communication strategy and as an alternative option.

  • av Fernanda Bontempo

    Be naked... But be slim, beautiful and tanned! Michael Foucault (1979) Michael Foucault said this more than thirty years ago, in an interview given by the French philosopher to Quel Corps? magazine. His conclusion is intrinsically linked to the concept of this project, a lingerie advertising campaign that aims to question beauty standards and contribute to changing the social representation of women in Brazilian society. The work consists of creating a campaign for a fictitious lingerie brand called "Maldita Lingerie". Inspired by the villains of the Disney studios, the campaign, which also bears the title "Maldita", uses characters from children's fairy tales as a reference and publicity strategy. The campaign is made up of a series of five videos. To do this, five models impersonate the villains from the films and give a performance that subtly criticises aesthetic standards and reveals the sensuality of singular beauty. The aim is to sell a product linked to the cult of the female body, while at the same time questioning the ideal body and the social representation of women. Is this possible?

  • av Magdalena Ul'tsh

    Cifrowizaciq zatragiwaet wse sfery zhizni, i segodnq ona neobhodima kompaniqm dlq obespecheniq ustojchiwoj konkurentosposobnosti. Nehwatka kwalificirowannyh rabotnikow w gostinichnom biznese, pandemiq Kowid-19 i menqüschiesq ozhidaniq gostej podtolknuli k wnedreniü cifrowyh prilozhenij. V ätoj knige rassmatriwaetsq ispol'zowanie cifrowyh prilozhenij w zone priema i obsluzhiwaniq s cel'ü okazaniq podderzhki sotrudnikam w wypolnenii powtorqüschihsq administratiwnyh zadach i, takim obrazom, predostawleniq im wozmozhnosti udelqt' bol'she wremeni obsluzhiwaniü gostej. Onlajn-opros biznes-gostej gruppy otelej Harry's Home Hotels pozwolil wyqsnit', kakie pozhelaniq i trebowaniq äta celewaq gruppa pred#qwlqet k cifrowym tehnologiqm w otele. Krome togo, na osnowe pqti äxpertnyh interw'ü byli wyrabotany sootwetstwuüschie rekomendacii po dejstwiqm dlq gostinichnoj industrii. Issledowanie pokazalo, chto lichnyj kontakt po-prezhnemu imeet reshaüschee znachenie i chto cifrowye resheniq sleduet wnedrqt' postepenno, w ramkah komplexnoj kommunikacionnoj strategii i w kachestwe al'ternatiwnogo warianta.

  • av Kerry George

    Don't get left behind in the past-embrace the future of business networking and unlock the $150,000 method for success!

  • av Oscar Moses

    Sink your teeth into the sweet world of bakery business mastery with "Cake Boss," your comprehensive guide to establishing and running a successful bakery. Across eight delicious chapters, this book serves up the essential ingredients you need to transform your passion for baking into a profitable venture.Chapter 1, "Getting Started - Bakery Business Basics," lays the foundation for your bakery dream. This opening chapter introduces you to the essentials of the bakery business, covering everything from the initial setup to understanding the market and the importance of a clear business vision."Location and Layout," Chapter 2, moves into the tactical decision of where to base your bakery and how to design its interior. This section is dedicated to helping you find the perfect spot that draws customers in and designing a layout that maximizes efficiency and the customer experience.In Chapter 3, "Recipes and Menu Development," creativity meets culinary expertise. Here, you'll learn the importance of crafting a menu that not only tantalizes taste buds but also keeps customers returning. This chapter focuses on developing unique recipes that can become your signature offerings.Chapter 4, "Quality Control and Production," is all about maintaining the highest standards. Consistency is key in the baking industry, and this chapter gives you a detailed look at how to ensure every batch meets your exacting standards while keeping up with demand.Then, in Chapter 5, "Branding and Marketing Your Bakery - Naming your bakery and developing its brand identity," you'll dive into the world of branding. Discover the art of choosing a name, crafting a visual identity, and utilizing marketing tactics that resonate with your target audience and make your bakery a household name."Managing Your Finances," Chapter 6, is the crux of the business side of your bakery. It covers the financial management skills required to operate a profitable bakery, from budgeting and pricing to managing cash flow and investments.Chapter 7, "Employees, Training and Labor Costs," discusses the human element of your bakery. Learn how to hire the right people, train them effectively, and manage labor costs while building a team culture that results in outstanding service and product quality.Finally, Chapter 8, "Selling Your Product," is where all your hard work pays off. This chapter provides strategies for effectively displaying and selling your baked goods, ensuring that your delicious creations are presented in a way that entices customers and drives sales."Cake Boss" is more than just a book; it's a recipe for success tailored for both novice bakers with a big dream and seasoned pastry chefs ready to take the leap into entrepreneurship. Preheat your ambition and get ready to rise to the occasion with this essential guide to building your very own bakery empire.

  • av Andrés Hernández Saavedra

    In diesem Artikel soll die Beziehung zwischen den Dimensionen der Markentreue und dem Lebensstil älterer Verbraucher in der Kategorie Frischfleisch in der Stadt Bogotá untersucht werden. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, wird eine Literaturrecherche zu den Konzepten der Marke, der Markentreue, der Dimensionen der Markentreue und des Lebensstils durchgeführt. Anhand der gesammelten Informationen wird die Beziehung zwischen Markentreue und Lebensstil der Verbraucher in der Kategorie Frischfleisch mittels eines quantitativen Forschungsdesigns mit einem deskriptiven Korrelationsumfang untersucht. Die Ergebnisse liefern valide und verlässliche Informationen über die psychografischen Attribute, die für die einzelnen Stufen der Kauftreue bei Frischfleisch am wichtigsten sind, was zu einer Optimierung der Marketingplanung in dieser Branche führt.

  • av Andres Jernandes Saawedra

    Cel' dannoj stat'i - ustanowit' wzaimoswqz' mezhdu izmereniqmi, sostawlqüschimi loql'nost' k brendu, i stilem zhizni pozhilyh potrebitelej kategorii swezhego mqsa w gorode Bogota. Dlq dostizheniq ätoj celi budet proweden obzor literatury po koncepciqm, swqzannym s brendom, loql'nost'ü k brendu, izmereniqmi, sostawlqüschimi loql'nost' k brendu, i stilem zhizni. Na osnowe sobrannoj informacii my izuchim wzaimoswqz' mezhdu loql'nost'ü k brendu i obrazom zhizni potrebitelej w kategorii swezhego mqsa s pomosch'ü kolichestwennogo issledowaniq s opisatel'nym korrelqcionnym ohwatom. Poluchennye rezul'taty pozwolqt poluchit' dostowernuü i nadezhnuü informaciü o psihograficheskih atributah, imeüschih naibol'shee znachenie dlq kazhdogo urownq loql'nosti pokupatelej swezhego mqsa, chto pozwolit optimizirowat' marketingowoe planirowanie w dannoj otrasli.

  • av Andrés Hernández Saavedra

    Este artigo tem como objetivo estabelecer a relação entre as dimensões que compõem a lealdade à marca e os estilos de vida dos consumidores idosos da categoria de carne fresca na cidade de Bogotá. Para atingir este objetivo, será realizada uma revisão da literatura sobre os conceitos relacionados com a marca, a lealdade à marca, as dimensões que compõem a lealdade à marca e os estilos de vida. Através da informação recolhida, explorar-se-á a relação entre a lealdade à marca e os estilos de vida dos consumidores da categoria de carne fresca, através de um desenho de investigação quantitativo com um âmbito correlacional descritivo. Os resultados sugerem informações válidas e fiáveis sobre os atributos psicográficos de maior importância para cada nível de lealdade de compra de carne fresca, levando à otimização do planeamento de marketing nesta indústria.

  • av Andrés Hernández Saavedra

    This article seeks to establish the relationship between the dimensions that make up brand loyalty and the lifestyles of older consumers in the fresh meat category in the city of Bogotá. To achieve this goal, a literature review of the concepts related to brand, brand loyalty, the dimensions that make up brand loyalty and lifestyles will be carried out. Through the information collected, we will explore the relationship between brand loyalty and lifestyles of consumers in the fresh meat category by means of a quantitative research design with a descriptive correlational scope. The results suggest valid and reliable information on the psychographic attributes of greatest importance for each level of fresh meat purchase loyalty, leading to optimise marketing planning in this industry.

  • av Andrés Hernández Saavedra

    Cet article cherche à établir la relation entre les dimensions qui composent la fidélité à la marque et les styles de vie des consommateurs plus âgés dans la catégorie de la viande fraîche dans la ville de Bogota. Pour atteindre cet objectif, une analyse documentaire des concepts liés à la marque, à la fidélité à la marque, aux dimensions qui composent la fidélité à la marque et aux styles de vie sera réalisée. Grâce à l'information recueillie, nous explorerons la relation entre la fidélité à la marque et les styles de vie des consommateurs de viande fraîche au moyen d'un modèle de recherche quantitatif avec une portée corrélationnelle descriptive. Les résultats suggèrent des informations valides et fiables sur les attributs psychographiques les plus importants pour chaque niveau de fidélité à l'achat de viande fraîche, ce qui permet d'optimiser la planification du marketing dans ce secteur.

  • av Andrés Hernández Saavedra

    Questo articolo cerca di stabilire la relazione tra le dimensioni che compongono la fedeltà alla marca e gli stili di vita dei consumatori anziani della categoria carne fresca nella città di Bogotà. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, verrà effettuata una revisione della letteratura sui concetti relativi alla marca, alla fedeltà alla marca, alle dimensioni che compongono la fedeltà alla marca e agli stili di vita. Attraverso le informazioni raccolte, si esplorerà la relazione tra la fedeltà alla marca e gli stili di vita dei consumatori della categoria delle carni fresche mediante un disegno di ricerca quantitativo di tipo descrittivo-correlazionale. I risultati suggeriscono informazioni valide e affidabili sugli attributi psicografici di maggiore importanza per ogni livello di fedeltà all'acquisto di carne fresca, che permettono di ottimizzare la pianificazione del marketing in questo settore.

  • av Ope Banwo

    Embark on your journey to freelancing success with 'Freelancing Income Genesis: The Secret Blueprint for Starting & Maximizing Your Income From Freelancing With Minimum Risk.' This comprehensive guide reveals insider strategies and practical tips to launch your freelance career with confidence. Whether you're a seasoned freelancer or just starting out, this blueprint provides step-by-step guidance to help you maximize your income while minimizing risks. Don't miss your chance to turn your skills into a thriving freelance business.

  • av B. Vincent

    Banner Blitz: Mastering the Art of Advertising with Eye-Catching Banners is a comprehensive guide to the world of banner advertising. In this book, readers will learn how to create effective banner ads that grab the attention of their target audience, drive traffic to their website, and achieve their marketing goals.The book covers a wide range of topics, including the power of visual advertising, the anatomy of an eye-catching banner, crafting effective ad copy, the dos and don'ts of banner design, the psychology of color, A/B testing, the impact of animation, maximizing ROI, creating a consistent brand identity, designing banners for mobile devices, effective banner placement strategies, social media advertising, analytics and metrics, and emerging trends and predictions.Readers will also find valuable insights and tips from top industry experts, including advice on call-to-action, high-quality visuals, responsive design, educational content, retargeting, conversion optimization, and more.Whether you're a business owner, marketer, or designer, Banner Blitz is the ultimate guide to creating effective banner ads that drive results. With this book, readers will gain the knowledge and skills they need to master the art of banner advertising and achieve success in today's competitive digital landscape.

  • av B. Vincent

    AdWords Mastery: The Ultimate Guide to Successful Google Advertising Campaigns is a comprehensive guide for digital marketers who want to get the most out of their Google AdWords campaigns. This book covers all aspects of AdWords advertising, from the fundamentals of AdWords advertising to advanced techniques such as automation and machine learning.In this book, you will learn how to set up your AdWords account for success, choose the right keywords for your campaigns, craft effective ad copy that converts, understand Ad Rank and Quality Score, master AdWords bidding strategies, build effective landing pages, target the right audience with AdWords, create compelling display ads, measure the success of your campaigns, and optimize your AdWords campaigns for maximum ROI.The book also covers specific strategies and tactics for AdWords advertising in different contexts, such as for eCommerce businesses, B2B marketing, lead generation, branding and awareness, local businesses, and seasonal campaigns.Furthermore, the book explores the future of Google advertising and what changes we can expect to see in the coming years, including machine learning and automation, integration with other platforms, privacy and data protection, and new ad formats.Whether you're a seasoned AdWords advertiser or a beginner, this book has something to offer. With practical advice, real-world examples, and step-by-step guidance, AdWords Mastery will help you achieve your advertising goals and drive results for your business.

  • av Koppala Venugopal
    1 117

    Cashew, die schmackhafteste Trockenfrucht, ist auf dem Landwirtschafts- und Lebensmittelmarkt ein absolutes Muss, und ihre Vermarktungsmöglichkeiten sind weit verbreitet und vielversprechend. Es gibt nur wenige Derivate und sie wird überwiegend als Vollnuss in der ganzen Welt verkauft und ist überall erhältlich. Dennoch gibt es viele Möglichkeiten, die Verkaufszahlen mit neuen Ideologien zu steigern, da es einen großen Spielraum für höhere Qualitätsstandards, modifizierte Marketingstrategien und eine fein abgestimmte Regierungspolitik gibt. Obwohl die Akteure des Cashew-Marktes während der Covid-Pandemie die schlimmsten Bedingungen erlebten, erholte sich der Markt bald wieder mit fruchtbaren Ergebnissen. Die Forscher der Studie, die aus dem Cashew-Land Palasa im Distrikt Srikakulam des Bundesstaates A.P. stammen, haben die wirklichen Marketing-Probleme in den Bereichen Export und Cluster-Branding identifiziert, wo die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten nicht ausgeschöpft wurden. Die praktische Untersuchung mit den wichtigsten Methoden und Implikationen wurde in diesem Buch vorgestellt.

  • av Koppala Venugopal
    1 117

    O caju, o fruto seco mais saboroso, tem uma popularidade imperativa no mercado agrícola e alimentar e as suas oportunidades de comercialização são ainda mais vastas e prospectivas. Tem menos derivados e é predominantemente vendido como uma noz inteira em todo o mundo com cobertura universal. No entanto, tem havido muitas oportunidades para aumentar o nível de vendas com ideologias novatas, uma vez que existe um vasto campo de ação do ponto de vista de padrões de qualidade mais elevados, estratégias de marketing modificadas e políticas governamentais afinadas. Embora as piores condições tenham sido vividas pelas partes interessadas do mercado do caju durante a pandemia de Covid, mais cedo se recuperou com resultados frutíferos. No entanto, certas complexidades de marketing tornam os esforços dos comerciantes e produtores duvidosos e, por vezes, incapazes de alcançar os resultados esperados. Os investigadores do estudo, oriundos de Palasa, designada como terra do caju, do distrito de Srikakulam, no estado de A.P., identificaram os verdadeiros problemas de marketing nas áreas da exportação e da marca de agrupamento, onde as oportunidades úteis não foram aproveitadas ao máximo. A exploração prática com métodos e implicações essenciais foi apresentada neste livro.

  • av Koppala Venugopal
    1 117

    Kesh'ü, samyj wkusnyj suhoj frukt, pol'zuetsq ogromnym sprosom na sel'skohozqjstwennom i prodowol'stwennom rynke, a ego marketingowye wozmozhnosti ochen' obshirny i perspektiwny. On imeet men'she proizwodnyh i preimuschestwenno prodaetsq kak polnocennyj oreh po wsemu miru s uniwersal'nym ohwatom. Tem ne menee, suschestwuet mnozhestwo wozmozhnostej dlq powysheniq urownq prodazh s pomosch'ü nachinaüschih ideologow, tak kak suschestwuüt shirokie wozmozhnosti s tochki zreniq powysheniq standartow kachestwa, modificirowannyh marketingowyh strategij i otlazhennoj gosudarstwennoj politiki. Nesmotrq na to, chto wo wremq pandemii Kowida uchastniki rynka kesh'ü stolknulis' s hudshimi uslowiqmi, wskore oni wernulis' k plodotwornym rezul'tatam. Tem ne menee, nekotorye marketingowye tonkosti delaüt usiliq marketologow i proizwoditelej neäffektiwnymi, a inogda i nesposobnymi dostich' ozhidaemyh rezul'tatow. Issledowateli iz Palasy, nazwannoj zemlej kesh'ü w okruge Shrikakulam shtata A.P., wyqwili real'nye marketingowye problemy w oblasti äxporta i klasternogo brendinga, gde wozmozhnosti ne byli ispol'zowany w polnoj mere. Prakticheskoe issledowanie s kwintässenciej metodow i posledstwij predstawleno w ätoj knige.

  • av Koppala Venugopal
    1 117

    La noix de cajou, le fruit sec le plus appétissant, connaît un engouement impératif sur le marché de l'agriculture et de l'alimentation et ses possibilités de commercialisation sont encore plus étendues et prospectives. La noix de cajou a moins de dérivés et est principalement vendue sous forme de noix entière dans le monde entier, avec une couverture universelle. Pourtant, il existe de nombreuses possibilités d'augmenter le niveau des ventes avec des idéologies novices, car il existe un vaste champ d'action du point de vue de l'amélioration des normes de qualité, de la modification des stratégies de marketing et de l'affinement des politiques gouvernementales. Bien que les acteurs du marché de la noix de cajou aient connu les pires conditions pendant la pandémie de Covid, ils ont rapidement rebondi avec des résultats fructueux. Néanmoins, certaines subtilités du marketing rendent les efforts des commerçants et des producteurs incertains et parfois incapables d'atteindre les résultats escomptés. Les chercheurs de l'étude, originaires de Palasa, une terre de noix de cajou du district de Srikakulam dans l'État d'A.P., ont identifié les véritables problèmes de marketing dans les domaines de l'exportation et de l'image de marque de groupe, où les opportunités ne sont pas exploitées à leur maximum. L'exploration pratique avec les méthodes et les implications essentielles a été présentée dans ce livre.

  • av Koppala Venugopal
    1 117

    L'anacardo, il frutto secco più appetibile, ha un'impellente tendenza nel mercato agricolo e alimentare e le sue opportunità di commercializzazione sono ancora più ampie e prospettiche. Ha meno derivati e viene venduto prevalentemente come noce intera in tutto il mondo, con una copertura universale. Tuttavia, ci sono state molte opportunità di aumentare il livello delle vendite con ideologie alle prime armi, dal momento che c'è un ampio margine di manovra dal punto di vista dell'aumento degli standard di qualità, delle strategie di marketing modificate e delle politiche governative perfezionate. Sebbene le condizioni peggiori siano state sperimentate dagli attori del mercato degli anacardi durante la pandemia di Covid, il mercato si è presto ripreso con risultati fruttuosi. I ricercatori dello studio, che provengono da Palasa, la terra degli anacardi del distretto di Srikakulam, nello Stato di A.P., hanno identificato i veri problemi di marketing nelle aree dell'esportazione e del cluster branding, dove le opportunità non sono state sfruttate al meglio. L'esplorazione pratica con metodi e implicazioni essenziali è stata presentata in questo libro.

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