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Hobby & fritid

Här hittar du massor av intressanta ämnen inom hobby och fritid. Vi välkomnar dig in i ett spännande rum av sport, gåtor och spel, där ett leende med all säkerhet kommer att dyka upp på dina läppar.
Om du gillar en mer kreativ hobby har vi samlat massor av böcker till dig om kreativitet och gör-det-själv. Om inte heller detta är vad du gör på fritiden har vi ett stort sortiment bestående av allt från djur och natur till hus och trädgård. Något för dig som antingen älskar doften av dina vackra blommor i trädgården eller vill dekorera ditt hus med snygga växter.
Låt dig inspireras av våra böcker och hitta en hobby att ägna dig åt på din fritid, eller bli klokare inom dina befintliga intressen och läs exempelvis om de många populära sportevenemangen.
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  • av Jack A. Sobon

    Discover the satisfaction of making your own durable, economical, and environmentally friendly timber frame structures. Covering all aspects of timber frame construction, this practical guide is filled with easy-to-understand instructions, clear illustrations, and helpful photographs. With expert advice on selecting appropriate timber, necessary tools, safety considerations, joinery techniques, assembly, and raising, Jack Sobon and Roger Schroeder encourage beginners by offering complete plans for a small toolshed. Turn your dream of a timber frame house into a reality.  

  • av Jeremy Wade

    A tale of obsession and very big fish from Jeremy Wade, the presenter of ITV's RIVER MONSTERS.

  • av Karen Lipe

    Covers almost everything you need to know to sew comfort, utility, and style into your boat. This book features many traditional canvas projects: sail covers, awnings, duffel bags, dodgers, and Biminis, wind chutes, and winter covers. It also includes many fabric projects: custom interior cushions, fitted sheets and daycovers, and more.

  • - The Bible of Bodybuilding, Fully Updated and Revised
    av Arnold Schwarzenegger

    Arnold Schwarzenegger shares his secrets to dedication, training, and commitment and shows you how to realise your own potential for greatness.

  • av Paul Stamets

    A detailed and comprehensive guide for growing and using gourmet and medicinal mushrooms commercially or at home."Absolutely the best book in the world on how to grow diverse and delicious mushrooms."-David Arora, author of Mushrooms Demystified With precise growth parameters for thirty-one mushroom species, this bible of mushroom cultivation includes gardening tips, state-of-the-art production techniques, realistic advice for laboratory and growing room construction, tasty mushroom recipes, and an invaluable troubleshooting guide. More than 500 photographs, illustrations, and charts clearly identify each stage of cultivation, and a twenty-four-page color insert spotlights the intense beauty of various mushroom species. Whether you're an ecologist, a chef, a forager, a pharmacologist, a commercial grower, or a home gardener-this indispensable handbook will get you started, help your garden succeed, and make your mycological landscapes the envy of the neighborhood.

  • av Rick Kirkman

  • - Innovative Learning Strategies for Basic Riding Skills
    av Mary Wanless

    This title sets out to simplify 'Ride With Your Mind' methods and to provide a basic tool-kit for the acquisition of a truly independent seat in walk, trot and through transitions, on straight lines, turns and circles - and, importantly, how to make corrections when things don't go exactly to plan.

  • av Mike Mentzer

    Presents the advanced techniques, productive workouts, and life-transforming personal philosophies of bodybuilding legend Mike Mentzer. This title includes hunger - the code of integrity for displaying a heroic physique, and the science of productive bodybuilding exercise - Mentzer's fail-safe principles for building maximum size and strength.

  • av Daniel Skupien

  • av Joseph D'Amelio

    This handy guide provides numerous insights and shortcuts to drawing and sketching effectively. Describing mandatory skills for beginning and advanced students, the text covers such subjects as diminution, foreshortening, convergence, shade and shadow, and other visual principles of perspective drawing.Accompanying a concise and thoughtfully written text are more than 150 simply drawn illustrations that depict a sense of space and depth, demonstrate vanishing points and eye level, and explain such concepts as appearance versus reality; perspective distortion; determining heights, depths, and widths; and the use of circles, cylinders, and cones.Artists, architects, designers, and engineers will find this book invaluable in creating works with convincing perspective.

  • - The Definitive Guide for Organic Gardeners and Small Farmers
    av Ron L. Engeland

    "The first garlic book written specifically for organic gardeners and small-scale farmers""Growing Great Garlic" is the definitive grower's guide written by a small scale farmer who makes his living growing over 200 strains of garlic. Commercial growers will want to consult this book regularly.The author tells us: which strains to plantwhen to fertilizewhen to plantwhen to prune flower stalkshow to plantwhen to harvestPlus, how to store, market, and process the crop."Growing Great Garlic" makes a genuine contribution in the field of garlic classification that will help the public recognize several distinct varietal types of garlic.

  • av Running Press

    With this kit, complete with a 32page book explaining bonsai gardening, an instruction sheet, a small pot, a peat pellet, a packet of seeds, and a pair of scissors, indoor gardeners can grow a peaceful mini-garden anywhere they choose. Whether it's on a desk or in a kitchen, this little bit of greenery will brighten up the day-just add water! Also available in a full-size kit

  • av Geoff Thompson

    In this series of books on throwing and take-down techniques, Geoff Thompson, a leading expert on self-protection, teaches how to control vertical grappling and destroy an assailant with a demolishing throw. The book includes the original "blow before throw" techniques.

  • av Lindsay Porter

    Filled with everything restorers are looking for including Mini history, buying information, specs, bodywork, mechanics, interiors, electrics, mods, tools, color schemes, clubs and more. Clear, step-by-step photographs and instructions make this the book for renovating your bodywork and interiors, giving new life to mechanical and electrical components, plus improved performance and appearance. Covers all models including Mini Cooper. Strongly recommended. For those who love Minis, or are thinking about buying.

  • - Plans & Instructions for Historical Reproductions
    av Daniel Diehl

    36 projects for historic benches, chairs, tables, cupboards, chests, shelves, beds, and doors, all done with simple woodworking tools.

  • av Thor Heyerdahl

    This is the story of how Thor Heyderdahl and five other men crossed the Pacific Ocean on a balsa-wood raft in an extraordinary bid to prove Heyderdahl's theory that the Polynesians undertook the same feat on such a craft over 1000 years ago.

  • av Nerve Com

    Drawn from the hilariously suggestive and wildy successful 'position of the day' e-postcards featured on showcases 366 different sexual positions - one for each day of the year. Executed in down- and-diry line-drawings, each position features a particularly apt caption. Humour meets impulse meets sex.

  • - A comprehensive guide to mushroom identification
    av Roger Phillips

    'Roger Phillips has written the best mushroom book I know.' Hugh Fearnley-WhittingstallThe culmination of over thirty years' work, Roger Phillips's authoritative and superbly illustrated reference work is packed with the most up-to-date information and original photographs. The essential illustrated mycological encyclopedia, this book is also clear, user friendly and will appeal to a wide range of readers. Unsurpassed in both illustrative and descriptive detail, Mushrooms contains over 1,250 photographs, often showing the specimens in various stages of growth, and includes all the latest botanical and common names as well as current ecological information on endangered species. Having sold more than 750,000 copies in Europe of his previous title on mushrooms, Roger Phillips's Mushrooms once again sets the benchmark. Quite simply, nobody with an interest in the subject can afford to be without this book.

  • Spara 21%
    av Arnold Schwarzenegger

    Includes the basic concepts on exercise, training principles, contest preparation, diet and nutrition that have evolved into modern bodybuilding. This title answers various question bodybuilders could ask. It offers a reference and instructional manual covering various aspect of the sport.

  • av Susan Jackson

    Flow is the total absoprtion into an activity, to the point where time seems to stand still, the pressures of the day disappear, and great satisfaction is taken in the moment. The phenomenon as it occurs in sport is explained, and there are seven keys that should help readers use their mind.

  • av Stan Bray

    Describes the construction of a range of uncomplicated miniature steam engines, for construction by the model engineer. Every project in this book can be completed with a minimum of workshop tools, and they are a suitable way into model engineering for the uninitiated, and a relaxation for the more experienced engineer.

  • av Hana Yasmeen Ali

    Now, working tirelessly as a worldwide ambassador for peace, he talks of the damage caused when religion is used to tear people apart, the essential need for unity in this troubled world, and how his faith sustains him on this, the most important journey of his life - the journey to forgiveness and peace.

  • - The Easy, Natural Way Using Only Hand Tools and the Woods Around You
    av W. Ben Hunt

    W. Ben Hunt's classic has earned a reputation as the" authentic handbook since it was first published in 1939. Updated in 1974, it remains the only step-by-step guide to building log cabins and log furniture -- pioneer style.".

  • av William Seifert

    Presents solutions to a host of boat design, construction, equipment, and seamanship dilemmas. This title tells you what works and what doesn't, and step by step - with the help of detailed illustrations and photographs - fills you in on what you need to know for safe, comfortable passagemaking.

  • av James Taylor

    The Land Rover has undergone a number of facelifts in its sixty-year life. This book tells the story of Land Rover, encompassing different models and dividing them according to their use. It also tells the distinguished histories of Land Rover on expedition, in agriculture, warfare, and in many other fields.

  • av Christopher Behrens

    An illustrated board book with a large die-cut circle in its center. Each spread offers a new scene for male readers to-ahem-star in.

  • av Paperblanks

    Laurel Burch was a self-taught artist and "flower child" who sold handmade jewellery on the streets of San Francisco in the 1960s and continued to rely on her intuition and passion to create vibrant images of whimsy and allure with paint and paper. Brilliantly coloured and exquisitely embellished in blues and purples, one such creation is portrayed on Paperblanks Blue Cats & Butterflies journal.

  • - Introductory Thai Boxing Techniques
    av Christoph Delp

    Muay Thai, also referred to as Thai boxing, combines fitness training, self-defense, and competitive sport. In this hands-on guide, renowned trainer Christoph Delp presents the sport's history, development, rules, and equipment. In the techniques section, he first details basic skills such as the correct starting position and footwork. Next he offers a complete list of all the attacking techniques and a selection of effective defensive and counterattacking strategies. All techniques are presented step-by-step by Thai champions from the famous Sor Vorapin gym in Bangkok, showing readers the fine details of each technique. The training section provides detailed information about the structure, content, and planning of training regimens and this includes historical training methods, a stretching program, and training schedules. Suitable as both a self-training guide and a supplement to club training, Muay Thai Basics offers authoritative instruction for Thai boxers and other martial arts enthusiasts.

  • - A Manual of Step-by-Step Procedures for the Compleat Idiot
    av John Muir

    The nineteenth edition of this classic automotive manual helps dedicated VW owners fight the war against rust, body rot, and engine failure to keep their prized cars alive, with advice on caring for Bugs, Karmann Ghias, vans, and campers. Original. 30,000 first printing.


På hittar du många böcker om dina intressen, och om du inte har ett än hittar du massor av inspiration och idéer till din nya hobby hos oss. Fritidsintressen är både fysiskt och psykiskt hälsosamt för dig. Du behöver inte vara intresserad av de mest aktiva sporterna eller vara träningsnarkoman för att finna en hobby som passar dig, vårt utbud är nämligen stort. Här kommer själva läsningen att minska din stressnivå, medan inspirationen ger dig möjlighet att göra din fritid mer spännande. Det är därför det ofta är stressade människor med en hektisk vardag som behöver en hobby - här kan de dra stor nytta av något som inte är arbetsrelaterat och ge dem mental avkoppling. Vi ser dock till att ha spännande böcker för alla oavsett intresse och erbjuder böcker som förmodligen kommer att beröra dig i någon grad.
Fritidsintressen har många fördelar. Förutom att stärka din hälsa och minska stressnivåerna kan det också snabbt leda till en gruppaktivitet. Här kan du skapa nya bekantskaper med andra människor som har samma behov och intressen som du. Din hobby kan alltså leda till en ny vänkrets med nya vänskaper som varar livet ut.
Även om det kan vara omotiverande när du vaknar på morgonen och egentligen bara vill sova vidare, visar det sig ofta att det är bättre än du hade förväntat dig efter att du har gjort din hobby eller aktivitet på några minuter. Det handlar om att ta chansen och hoppa in i nya aktiviteter även om man inte alltid känner för det. Ge det en chans och prova - huvudet och hjärtat följer dit kroppen går.


Regelbundna fritidsaktiviteter får som regel alla människor att trivas bättre, oavsett om det är barnen i skolan eller de vuxna på arbetsplatsen. Om du vill ha en inspirationsbok för det äldre barnet eller bara vill göra dem klokare inom sin hobby så kan du hitta bra böcker om det hos oss. Här kan hobbyer utveckla ditt barns fack- och språkkunskaper och öka deras koncentrationsförmåga. De får en bättre minnesförmåga och kan ge det bästa i skolan.

Om du har funderat på en ny hobby på fritiden och vill hitta inspiration för dig eller ditt äldre barn, kommer du inte att bli besviken över vårt urval. Vi går inte på kompromiss med din fritid, så om du antingen vill ha den vilda extremsporten, vill träna lätt eller vill ha en kreativ hobby med t.ex. garn och stickor så hittar du allt här. Vi har ett stort och brett utbud av böcker på många olika språk och har därför gjort det enkelt för dig att komma igång.

Gör som tusentals andra bokälskare

Prenumerera på vårt nyhetsbrev för att få fantastiska erbjudanden och inspiration för din nästa läsning.